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Tag: coronavirus

Biometric Tracking Can Ensure Billions Have Immunity Against Covid-19

23 Sep 2020
Biometric Tracking Can Ensure Billions Have Immunity Against Covid-19
23 Sep 2020
Biometric Tracking Can Ensure Billions Have Immunity Against Covid-19

Draft NDHM policy: Experts warn of ‘structural problems’, lack of clarity on patient control over data

14 Sep 2020
Draft NDHM policy: Experts warn of ‘structural problems’, lack of clarity on patient control over data
14 Sep 2020
Draft NDHM policy: Experts warn of ‘structural problems’, lack of clarity on patient control over data

Snatching away a lifeline: Australia cannot deny asylum seekers mobile phone access

1 Sep 2020

Lawmakers must reject a bill to give the Australian Border Force the right to confiscate mobile phones — a lifeline of information, communication, and documentation — from asylum seekers in Australian immigration detention.

Press Release
Snatching away a lifeline: Australia cannot deny asylum seekers mobile phone access
1 Sep 2020
Snatching away a lifeline: Australia cannot deny asylum seekers mobile phone access

Pandemics, protests, and power in digital spaces: the 44th U.N. Human Rights Council Session in review

26 Aug 2020

In the context of COVID-19 and a wave of protests across the globe, the U.N. Human Rights Council held its 44th session. Here’s our read-out on the reports and resolutions that are key for defending digital rights around the world.

Pandemics, protests, and power in digital spaces: the 44th U.N. Human Rights Council Session in review
26 Aug 2020
Pandemics, protests, and power in digital spaces: the 44th U.N. Human Rights Council Session in review

#IWantALetter: Take action to demand that Egyptian authorities provide information updates on their response to the pandemic in prisons

12 Aug 2020
#IWantALetter: Take action to demand that Egyptian authorities provide information updates on their response to the pandemic in prisons
12 Aug 2020
#IWantALetter: Take action to demand that Egyptian authorities provide information updates on their response to the pandemic in prisons

CPJ condemns Ethiopian internet shutdown and Oromia Media Network raid

1 Jul 2020
CPJ condemns Ethiopian internet shutdown and Oromia Media Network raid
1 Jul 2020
CPJ condemns Ethiopian internet shutdown and Oromia Media Network raid
Transparency reporting index main visual image

Transparency talks: video conferencing and VoIP platforms must put your privacy first

1 Jul 2020

Access Now calls on video conferencing platforms to release reports clarifying exactly how they protect personal user data and enforce policies related to freedom of expression. 

Press Release
Transparency talks: video conferencing and VoIP platforms must put your privacy first
1 Jul 2020
Transparency talks: video conferencing and VoIP platforms must put your privacy first

Cuba Gags Coronavirus Critics

26 Jun 2020
Cuba Gags Coronavirus Critics
26 Jun 2020
Cuba Gags Coronavirus Critics

تطبيقات التعقب الالكتروني

24 Jun 2020
تطبيقات التعقب الالكتروني
24 Jun 2020
تطبيقات التعقب الالكتروني

365 days and counting: Myanmar must end the internet blackout in Rakhine and Chin states 

22 Jun 2020

This week, on June 21, the states of Rakhine and Chin in Myanmar entered their second year of internet shutdowns in the region.

Press Release
365 days and counting: Myanmar must end the internet blackout in Rakhine and Chin states 
22 Jun 2020
365 days and counting: Myanmar must end the internet blackout in Rakhine and Chin states