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Tag: Congo

internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами

3 Sep 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
3 Sep 2021
#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch

1 Jun 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch
1 Jun 2021
#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch
Sierra Leone

Safeguarding democracy: preventing internet shutdowns from disrupting elections

31 Mar 2021

Election shutdowns erode democracy. They violate basic fundamental rights like freedom of expression, undermine election fairness, and weaken people’s trust in the electoral process. Our new election shutdowns handbook helps election observers, journalists, diplomatic missions, and human rights activists navigate these turbulent scenarios.

Safeguarding democracy: preventing internet shutdowns from disrupting elections
31 Mar 2021
Safeguarding democracy: preventing internet shutdowns from disrupting elections
Thumbnail image: internet shutdowns

Digital rights activists fear internet blackouts as voting kicks off in the Republic of the Congo

18 Mar 2021
Digital rights activists fear internet blackouts as voting kicks off in the Republic of the Congo
18 Mar 2021
Digital rights activists fear internet blackouts as voting kicks off in the Republic of the Congo
election internet shutdowns

Le Congo ne doit pas répéter la censure durant cette élection: gardez le pays connecté

16 Mar 2021

Les autorités de la République du Congo doivent garder internet ouvert, accessible et sécurisé pendant toute la période de l’élection présidentielle de 2021.

Press Release
Le Congo ne doit pas répéter la censure durant cette élection: gardez le pays connecté
16 Mar 2021
Le Congo ne doit pas répéter la censure durant cette élection: gardez le pays connecté

Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo

19 Dec 2016

Tips from our Digital Security Helpline to help people get online.

Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo
19 Dec 2016
Ways to circumvent the internet shutdown in the Democratic Republic of Congo