Tag: Civil Society

Help shape the message we will take to leaders at the World Economic Forum
How can we create a shared future?

Access Now statement on civil society exclusion from WTO meeting in Argentina
The World Trade Organization must do further work to ensure that the host countries for its ministerial meetings provide more information about why accreditation is revoked, and a process for reply and remedy.

Brazil: multistakeholder internet governance model under threat
The Temer administration proposes yet another move that might weaken civil society participation in domestic internet policy.

Europe’s Digital Assembly: Fireworks and data flows
The European Commission should do more to include civil society in events like the Digital Assembly. Safeguarding users’ rights and winning their trust is key for a healthy digital economy.

Silencing civil society in Hungary: How to fight back?
An authoritarian “illiberal democracy” starts with attacks on free expression and independent institutions. Here’s what the current crisis in Hungary teaches for resistance worldwide.

RightsCon Southeast Asia: Tech Companies, Civil Society, Government to Discuss Open Internet
Hundreds of technologists, companies, governments, and human rights advocates to convene in Manila to discuss privacy, security, corporate responsibility.