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Tag: Civil Society


U.N. declaration: Egypt’s attack on civil society must desist

15 Mar 2021

Access Now joins the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) and civil society organizations from around the world in welcoming and supporting a joint declaration by U.N. member states condemning the deteriorating human rights situation in Egypt — both online and off.

Press Release
U.N. declaration: Egypt’s attack on civil society must desist
15 Mar 2021
U.N. declaration: Egypt’s attack on civil society must desist
India fake news

Civil Society Under Attack

22 Feb 2021
Civil Society Under Attack
22 Feb 2021
Civil Society Under Attack
Thumbnail image: internet shutdowns

Myanmar civil society appeals to ISPs for connectivity, protection of rights

6 Feb 2021

Access Now supports this open letter published by Myanmar civil society organizations working on human rights, peace and federal democracy, and justice and accountability.

Press Release
Myanmar civil society appeals to ISPs for connectivity, protection of rights
6 Feb 2021
Myanmar civil society appeals to ISPs for connectivity, protection of rights

Monitored and targeted: Sale of surveillance technology puts lives of MENA activists at risk

24 Dec 2020
Monitored and targeted: Sale of surveillance technology puts lives of MENA activists at risk
24 Dec 2020
Monitored and targeted: Sale of surveillance technology puts lives of MENA activists at risk

Action for Egyptian human rights defenders

2 Dec 2020

The undersigned organisations strongly condemn the persecution of employees of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) and Egyptian civil society by the Egyptian government.

Press Release
Action for Egyptian human rights defenders
2 Dec 2020
Action for Egyptian human rights defenders

Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists

22 Oct 2020

Repressive regimes — from Nicaragua to Tanzania to Ecuador and beyond — are adding to their toolbox of strategies for censorship of critical voices and independent journalism online.

Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists
22 Oct 2020
Warning: repressive regimes are using DMCA takedown demands to censor activists

Internet Infrastructure and Human Rights: A Reading List

13 Oct 2020
Internet Infrastructure and Human Rights: A Reading List
13 Oct 2020
Internet Infrastructure and Human Rights: A Reading List

Последние месяцы показали, что у людей нет повода особо доверять правительствам – ООН

10 Oct 2020
Последние месяцы показали, что у людей нет повода особо доверять правительствам – ООН
10 Oct 2020
Последние месяцы показали, что у людей нет повода особо доверять правительствам – ООН

Collective action could fuel a post-pandemic renaissance for social justice. Here’s how

19 Jun 2020
Collective action could fuel a post-pandemic renaissance for social justice. Here’s how
19 Jun 2020
Collective action could fuel a post-pandemic renaissance for social justice. Here’s how

Trump appointee strips funding from vital media groups, puts global internet freedom at risk

18 Jun 2020

Today Access Now joined more than 30 public interest and human rights organizations in a letter to the U.S. Congress that calls for continued support of the Open Technology Fund (OTF) and global internet freedom.

Press Release
Trump appointee strips funding from vital media groups, puts global internet freedom at risk
18 Jun 2020
Trump appointee strips funding from vital media groups, puts global internet freedom at risk