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Tag: Chawki Gaddes

What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?

14 Jul 2020
What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?
14 Jul 2020
What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?

Now more than ever, Tunisians need a functioning Data Protection Authority

25 Feb 2019

Our coalition calls on the Head of Government to work quickly to appoint someone in lieu of the current DPA, Chawki Gaddes.

Press Release
Now more than ever, Tunisians need a functioning Data Protection Authority
25 Feb 2019
Now more than ever, Tunisians need a functioning Data Protection Authority

En Tunisie, le débat est ouvert sur la protection des données personnelles et le droit d’accès à l’information

13 Nov 2018

Le 1 novembre, Access Now et UNESCO ont organisé une conférence sur le thème: “Protection des données personnelles et droit d’accès à l’information en Tunisie”

En Tunisie, le débat est ouvert sur la protection des données personnelles et le droit d’accès à l’information
13 Nov 2018
En Tunisie, le débat est ouvert sur la protection des données personnelles et le droit d’accès à l’information

In Tunisia, an open debate on data protection and the right to access information

8 Nov 2018

Our joint event with UNESCO gathered stakeholders including civil society, members of parliament, and international experts to discuss protecting data and the right to access information in Tunisia.

In Tunisia, an open debate on data protection and the right to access information
8 Nov 2018
In Tunisia, an open debate on data protection and the right to access information

Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.

11 Jan 2018

Tunisians have won a major victory for privacy, beating back a proposal for a dangerous biometric ID. Here’s how it happened.

Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.
11 Jan 2018
Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.