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Tag: Cellebrite

Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Nuevo análisis: Las empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en materia derechos humanos

26 Apr 2023
Press Release
Nuevo análisis: Las empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en materia derechos humanos
26 Apr 2023
Nuevo análisis: Las empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en materia derechos humanos
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

New analysis: companies deploying surveillance tech in LATAM lack human rights transparency

26 Apr 2023
Press Release
New analysis: companies deploying surveillance tech in LATAM lack human rights transparency
26 Apr 2023
New analysis: companies deploying surveillance tech in LATAM lack human rights transparency
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Remote biometric surveillance in Latin America: Are companies respecting human rights?

21 Mar 2023

Companies must address their impact on human rights and concerns raised by impacted communities or individuals.

Remote biometric surveillance in Latin America: Are companies respecting human rights?
21 Mar 2023
Remote biometric surveillance in Latin America: Are companies respecting human rights?
WEF spyware

¿Qué se necesita para que las empresas de tecnología de vigilancia masiva respondan en materia de derechos humanos?

13 May 2022
¿Qué se necesita para que las empresas de tecnología de vigilancia masiva respondan en materia de derechos humanos?
13 May 2022
¿Qué se necesita para que las empresas de tecnología de vigilancia masiva respondan en materia de derechos humanos?
WEF spyware

What will it take for mass surveillance tech companies to respond on human rights?

9 May 2022
What will it take for mass surveillance tech companies to respond on human rights?
9 May 2022
What will it take for mass surveillance tech companies to respond on human rights?
Spy firm for sale Twitter card

Wall Street keeps bankrolling dangerous surveillance tech. Congress must act

16 Mar 2022

The Cellebrite IPO got a green light despite the evidence showing the Israeli spy firm’s technology facilitates human rights abuse around the world. Here’s how to fix the broken public disclosure process.

Wall Street keeps bankrolling dangerous surveillance tech. Congress must act
16 Mar 2022
Wall Street keeps bankrolling dangerous surveillance tech. Congress must act

Behind the Resale of Cellebrite Technology That Can Hack Your Phone

20 Feb 2022
Behind the Resale of Cellebrite Technology That Can Hack Your Phone
20 Feb 2022
Behind the Resale of Cellebrite Technology That Can Hack Your Phone

Four ways the international community can protect Belarusian civil society under attack

3 Sep 2021

One year after Belarus’ disputed 2020 elections, government crackdowns have made it nearly impossible for civil society to operate within the country. Here’s how the international community can help.

Four ways the international community can protect Belarusian civil society under attack
3 Sep 2021
Four ways the international community can protect Belarusian civil society under attack
Spy firm for sale graphic

Cellebrite going public? Stop the deal!

23 Aug 2021

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved Israeli surveillance firm Cellebrite’s Form F-4 Registration Statement, paving the way for Cellebrite going public with a NASDAQ listing. To smooth the process, Cellebrite published “Ethics & Integrity” statements. But the company has made no progress on demonstrating compliance with human rights. Neither investors nor NASDAQ should be swayed by these empty statements. 

Cellebrite going public? Stop the deal!
23 Aug 2021
Cellebrite going public? Stop the deal!
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Made abroad, deployed at home: new report unpacks the shocking state of mass surveillance in Latin America

9 Aug 2021
Press Release
Made abroad, deployed at home: new report unpacks the shocking state of mass surveillance in Latin America
9 Aug 2021
Made abroad, deployed at home: new report unpacks the shocking state of mass surveillance in Latin America