Tag: Business & Human Rights

Towards meaningful fundamental rights impact assessments under the DSA

Fundamental rights impact assessments are key for effective DSA enforcement
Under the EU DSA, companies designated as VLOPs or VLOSEs must assess fundamental rights risks stemming from their services. Access Now and ECNL have published a new policy paper to support enforcement of this requirement.

Elon Musk’s X must ensure safety of users, as Saudi authorities issue first death sentence solely for social media activity
Access Now joins partners in urging Elon Musk’s X to prioritize the protection of its users, following the sentencing of an individual to death by Saudi Arabian authorities solely based on their social media activity.

Vietnam’s identity verification mandate will violate international human rights
Viet Nam’s Identity Verification Mandate will Violate International Human Rights.

#KeepItOn: A call to the government of Sierra Leone — keep the internet and social media platforms open and secure throughout the 2023 elections
Sierra Leone must ensure that the internet and social media platforms remain accessible prior to, during, and after the general election scheduled for Saturday, June 24, 2023.

From crisis to conflict, we must defend digital rights when people need them most
People feel restrictions on digital rights most intensely in situations of crisis, conflict, or disaster. Here’s how we are safeguarding people’s digital rights in times of both war and peace.

Alphabet shareholders want more transparency, less complacency

Meta shareholders to company leaders: your business model hurts human rights
As the annual shareholder meeting approaches, Meta shareholders ask leadership to review the company’s targeted advertising business model and protect human rights.

Saudi Arabia: Microsoft should suspend data center plans
We join civil society in calling on Microsoft to suspend its data center plans in Saudia Arabia until it can demonstrate how it will mitigate potential rights abuses.