Tag: Business & Human Rights

One small step for accountability: U.S. announces anonymous visa sanctions program for spyware violations
In a positive but limited step, the U.S.’s new sanctions policy will deny visas to individuals who are involved in, facilitate, or financially benefit from the misuse of commercial spyware.

Amend or reject: Joint statement on the UN Cybercrime Treaty
Access Now and more than 100 NGOs demand state delegates to amend the draft cybercrime treaty in the upcoming concluding session of UN AHC.

Submission on India’s draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023
Access Now raises concerns about peopleʼs fundamental rights in its submission on India’s Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023.

Las personas migrantes en Latinoamérica están siendo vigiladas por sus gobiernos

Spyware in Serbia: civil society under attack
Access Now and our partners have discovered that civil society in Serbia have been targeted with invasive spyware technology. Here’s what we know.

Depleting fuel and infrastructure damage: Gaza’s internet lifeline must be saved
“With an impending internet blackout in Gaza, Access Now and Human Rights Watch received a response from Paltell Group emphasizing Israeli attacks on infrastructure as key blackout contributors and citing challenges in making repairs without a ceasefire.

Adiós a la opacidad: la Corte Constitucional de Colombia resolvió la sentencia sobre interrupciones a los servicios de internet

There are no free-riding services on the internet: India must uphold net neutrality
TRAI must uphold net neutrality in India by preserving non-discriminatory access to online content, applications, and services for all people.

Precise interpretation of the DSA matters especially when people’s lives are at risk in Gaza and Israel
The Digital Service Act (DSA) must not be exploited in times of conflict or crisis. The E.U. must respect due process when enforcing the DSA during ongoing armed conflict in the Gaza Strip.

Bodily harms: how AI and biometrics curtail human rights
Biometric technologies are becoming increasingly interwoven into our everyday lives. A new Access Now report explores how AI is driving the adoption of ableist technologies that marginalize anyone who doesn’t fit into their definition of a “normal” body.