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Tag: broadband

Civil society to FCC: make emergency broadband benefit easily accessible

25 Jan 2021

Access Now and Free Press filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission urging strong and rapid implementation of the Emergency Broadband Benefit program.

Press Release
Civil society to FCC: make emergency broadband benefit easily accessible
25 Jan 2021
Civil society to FCC: make emergency broadband benefit easily accessible

Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy

20 Jan 2021

On the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration, Access Now launches a new online tool to track how well the incoming administration addresses key digital rights issues, including data protection, net neutrality, disinformation, and facial recognition.

Press Release
Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy
20 Jan 2021
Holding Biden to account: Access Now’s new tool tracks digital rights, tech policy

No longer turning blind eye, U.S. Congress finally moves to get people online amid pandemic

21 Dec 2020

Access Now applauds the U.S. Congress for coming to an agreement on a COVID-19 stimulus package that includes critical funding for broadband connectivity.

Press Release
No longer turning blind eye, U.S. Congress finally moves to get people online amid pandemic
21 Dec 2020
No longer turning blind eye, U.S. Congress finally moves to get people online amid pandemic

U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC

7 Dec 2020

Members of the U.S. Congress and civil society representatives voice strong opposition to President Trump’s FCC nominee, Nathan Simington, whose appointment would threaten net neutrality protections, freedom of expression, and broadband access.

Press Release
U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC
7 Dec 2020
U.S. Senate Democrats and civil society denounce Simington nomination to FCC

More than 3.5 billion left in the dark: why we’re still fighting to reach U.N. targets for internet access

5 Nov 2020

If we don’t reach U.N. targets for internet access — providing everyone, everywhere with affordable, open, secure, and high-quality connectivity — we won’t meet the sustainable development goals by 2030.  

More than 3.5 billion left in the dark: why we’re still fighting to reach U.N. targets for internet access
5 Nov 2020
More than 3.5 billion left in the dark: why we’re still fighting to reach U.N. targets for internet access

Closing the digital divide: new bill can get Indigenous populations online

15 Oct 2020

Access Now endorses the Extending Tribal Broadband Priority Act of 2020, legislation that would require the Federal Communications Commission to create additional time for Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations to apply for spectrum licenses.

Press Release
Closing the digital divide: new bill can get Indigenous populations online
15 Oct 2020
Closing the digital divide: new bill can get Indigenous populations online

Access Now publishes U.S. digital rights agenda

18 Aug 2020

Access Now releases its digital rights policy recommendations for the incoming U.S. president.

Press Release
Access Now publishes U.S. digital rights agenda
18 Aug 2020
Access Now publishes U.S. digital rights agenda
Human Rights 75 Pledges

A digital rights agenda for 2021 and beyond

18 Aug 2020

As the U.S. approaches its presidential election this November amidst an unprecedented public health emergency and racial justice movement, we urge the parties to address a series of digital rights issues.

A digital rights agenda for 2021 and beyond
18 Aug 2020
A digital rights agenda for 2021 and beyond

U.S. FCC should help Indigenous communities access broadband

23 Jul 2020

Access Now calls on the U.S. FCC to extend the application deadline for Indigenous communities to apply for federal spectrum.

Press Release
U.S. FCC should help Indigenous communities access broadband
23 Jul 2020
U.S. FCC should help Indigenous communities access broadband

Warner leads bill to expand access to affordable high-speed internet

2 Jul 2020
Warner leads bill to expand access to affordable high-speed internet
2 Jul 2020
Warner leads bill to expand access to affordable high-speed internet