Tag: Broadband privacy

ISPs lose a critical motion in Maine broadband privacy fight
Access Now applauds state of Maine for protecting broadband privacy rights in court motion.

Your holiday catch-up reading: key digital rights conversations in the U.S.
Haven’t had time to dive into U.S. policy that matters for digital rights? We’ve got you covered.

Poverty in the U.S.? Yes — and it’s a digital rights issue
We’re asking the United Nations to examine barriers to internet access, invasion of privacy for welfare recipients, and the targeted surveillance of immigrant, poor, and minority communities.

Access Now helps to ensure LinkedIn privacy settlement benefits users at risk
We will use the new cy press award to support programs furthering our mission, which includes ensuring that online service providers uphold strict standards respecting personal privacy online.

First 100 Days of human rights violations
The first 100 days of the Trump administration have been a disaster for privacy and free expression, with consequences for people all across the globe. Here’s how we’re fighting back.

Access Now condemns U.S. Congressional vote to gut internet privacy
Repeal of broadband privacy rules puts special interests ahead of the rights of individuals, and should earn a presidential veto — not applause.

Access Now condemns U.S. Senate measure to gut internet privacy
A measure to roll back broadband privacy rules put corporations ahead of consumers. Lawmakers must reject it.

Access Now: Internet users deserve privacy. The U.S. Senate shouldn’t sell it away.
The U.S. FCC broadband privacy rule was a historic victory for internet users. Repealing it would create a privacy “black hole.”