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Tag: BringBackourInternet

Access Now files new legal intervention in Cameroon against shutdowns

2 Aug 2018

Access Now is supporting plaintiffs in Cameroon, who are challenging the government’s decision to shut down the internet in Anglophone regions of the country. The blocks harmed the human rights of millions, and stand in violation of international law.

Press Release
Access Now files new legal intervention in Cameroon against shutdowns
2 Aug 2018
Access Now files new legal intervention in Cameroon against shutdowns

Lawyers and human rights groups write to IMF about possible breach of Cameroon loan terms

27 Jun 2018

Should the International Monetary Fund give loans to Cameroon when it shuts down the internet, harming human rights and the economy?

Press Release
Lawyers and human rights groups write to IMF about possible breach of Cameroon loan terms
27 Jun 2018
Lawyers and human rights groups write to IMF about possible breach of Cameroon loan terms

The shutdown has ended, but Cameroonians are still feeling the impact

1 Mar 2018

It has come without fanfare, and with widespread lack of confidence in its permanency, but the latest internet shutdown in Anglophone Cameroon has largely come to an end.

The shutdown has ended, but Cameroonians are still feeling the impact
1 Mar 2018
The shutdown has ended, but Cameroonians are still feeling the impact

Access Now & ISF file legal intervention against Cameroon shutdown

24 Jan 2018

People who live through internet shutdowns almost never get redress for harm during the disruptions. Our intervention seeks to change that.

Press Release
Access Now & ISF file legal intervention against Cameroon shutdown
24 Jan 2018
Access Now & ISF file legal intervention against Cameroon shutdown

Pulling the plug on free expression: the rise of internet shutdowns to silence dissent

17 Jan 2018

In Iran, the DRC, Ethiopia, and Cameroon, governments are responding to protests by imposing internet shutdowns. It has to stop.

Pulling the plug on free expression: the rise of internet shutdowns to silence dissent
17 Jan 2018
Pulling the plug on free expression: the rise of internet shutdowns to silence dissent

United Nations urged to intervene in Cameroon to stop the violence and internet shutdowns

6 Oct 2017
United Nations urged to intervene in Cameroon to stop the violence and internet shutdowns
6 Oct 2017
United Nations urged to intervene in Cameroon to stop the violence and internet shutdowns

In Cameroon and Spain, network shutdowns and interference as violence erupts

2 Oct 2017

Spain imports internet shutdowns to Europe, as Cameroon disrupts the internet again, with shocking violence in both countries.

In Cameroon and Spain, network shutdowns and interference as violence erupts
2 Oct 2017
In Cameroon and Spain, network shutdowns and interference as violence erupts

Access to information: The worrying case of Cameroon submitted to the U.N.

28 Sep 2017

Access Now and Internet Without Borders today submitted a briefing on Cameroon to the United Nations.

Press Release
Access to information: The worrying case of Cameroon submitted to the U.N.
28 Sep 2017
Access to information: The worrying case of Cameroon submitted to the U.N.

Victory in Cameroon: after 94 days, the internet is back on

20 Apr 2017

With little explanation, the government has restored the internet after millions in losses to the economy.

Press Release
Victory in Cameroon: after 94 days, the internet is back on
20 Apr 2017
Victory in Cameroon: after 94 days, the internet is back on

Telcos urged to help stop Cameroon shutdown

15 Feb 2017

More than 25 organizations sent an open tetter to Cameroon telco CEOs demanding transparency and asking for push-back against any government orders they are executing.

Telcos urged to help stop Cameroon shutdown
15 Feb 2017
Telcos urged to help stop Cameroon shutdown