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Tag: Blocking


COVID-19: Gulf governments must unblock all VoIP technologies

7 Apr 2020

More than 25 civil society organizations from around the world are calling on the UAE, Oman, and Qatar to immediately and permanently restore access to services for internet voice and video calls.

Press Release
COVID-19: Gulf governments must unblock all VoIP technologies
7 Apr 2020
COVID-19: Gulf governments must unblock all VoIP technologies

Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru

20 Dec 2019

The Ministry of Transport and Communications in Peru gave itself the power to order internet service providers to block apps and services that offer illegal transportation services. The decree does not respect the national legal framework nor human rights principles of legality and proportionality, paving the way to arbitrary decisions.

Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru
20 Dec 2019
Blocking apps by ministerial decree enables illegal content takedowns in Peru

Fighting censorship during the 2018 elections season

7 Jun 2018

Countries around the world are preparing themselves for a heated 2018 election season. Free expression advocates are equally preparing to fight back against the rising tide of election-related censorship.

Fighting censorship during the 2018 elections season
7 Jun 2018
Fighting censorship during the 2018 elections season

مصر: مرت سنة تقريباً على الحجب والمواقع  تصل إلى 500 موقع محجوب قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية

15 Mar 2018
مصر: مرت سنة تقريباً على الحجب والمواقع  تصل إلى 500 موقع محجوب قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية
15 Mar 2018
مصر: مرت سنة تقريباً على الحجب والمواقع  تصل إلى 500 موقع محجوب قبل الانتخابات الرئاسية

Civil society unites against internet censorship in Venezuela

1 Jun 2017

A presidential decree has authorized online surveillance and censorship in Venezuela. We’re joining our civil society partners to defend fundamental rights.

Civil society unites against internet censorship in Venezuela
1 Jun 2017
Civil society unites against internet censorship in Venezuela

Ukraine’s internet ban fights fire with fire: it’s still censorship

26 May 2017

Ukraine’s move to ban popular apps and sites violates international law and norms.

Ukraine’s internet ban fights fire with fire: it’s still censorship
26 May 2017
Ukraine’s internet ban fights fire with fire: it’s still censorship

Bloqueos de aplicaciones: una práctica abusiva en Latinoamérica

10 May 2017

Este tipo de decisiones tomadas por legisladores y jueces sin el correspondiente análisis, ponen en riesgo el ejercicio de los derechos digitales de los usuarios.

Bloqueos de aplicaciones: una práctica abusiva en Latinoamérica
10 May 2017
Bloqueos de aplicaciones: una práctica abusiva en Latinoamérica

Access Now condemns blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil

17 Dec 2015

The block is the latest in a string of internet shutdowns in 2015 and shows worrying backsliding in Brazil on digital rights.

Access Now condemns blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil
17 Dec 2015
Access Now condemns blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil

Rights groups to Malaysia: Stop blocking websites and allow Bersih 4.0 Rally

28 Aug 2015

Today Access joined Article 19, APC, and Human Rights Watch in a letter to Prime Minister Najib denouncing the blocking of Sarawak Report and the revocation of publishing permits. The letter also warned against imposing further restrictions on mass protests planned for this weekend.

Rights groups to Malaysia: Stop blocking websites and allow Bersih 4.0 Rally
28 Aug 2015
Rights groups to Malaysia: Stop blocking websites and allow Bersih 4.0 Rally

Access urges officials in Gujarat, India to rescind internet disruption

27 Aug 2015

This week telecom operators complied with a request from agencies of the Gujarat state government to shut down SMS functionality and disrupt mobile internet service. Access strongly believes no authority should issue internet shutdown orders, and that authorities in the state of Gujarat should urgently rescind the current blanket measures affecting so many Indian citizens and institutions.

Access urges officials in Gujarat, India to rescind internet disruption
27 Aug 2015
Access urges officials in Gujarat, India to rescind internet disruption