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Tag: #BlackLivesMatter

Digital rights

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers

7 Jul 2021

Digital surveillance is threatening the right to protest worldwide. U.N. human rights expert Clément Voule is fighting for strong encryption and tight restrictions on the use of spyware. Here’s why that push is important for human rights lawyers and the activists they represent.

At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers
7 Jul 2021
At the U.N., a new push to end surveillance of protesters — and protect their lawyers

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge

10 Dec 2020

On Human Rights Day of 2020, we highlight the mandate of E. Tendayi Achiume, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance to fight systematic racism.

Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
10 Dec 2020
Fighting systemic racism in the digital age: a global challenge
Digital rights

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward

23 Jun 2020

What role can the United Nations play in shaping the future of digital rights? A new Roadmap for Digital Cooperation aims to galvanize efforts to “connect, respect, and protect people in the digital age.” Will it work?

New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward
23 Jun 2020
New U.N. “Roadmap” on tech: only useful if we drive “digital cooperation” forward

Standing with #BlackLivesMatter — for human rights, for justice, and for democracy

4 Jun 2020

Access Now stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and all those exercising their fundamental right to protest across the United States and around the world to call for justice and an end to human rights violations against the Black community.

Press Release
Standing with #BlackLivesMatter — for human rights, for justice, and for democracy
4 Jun 2020
Standing with #BlackLivesMatter — for human rights, for justice, and for democracy