Tag: Biometric ID

Tunisia’s digitization programs threaten the privacy of millions
Tunisia’s recent digitization programs could pave way for mass surveillance, identity theft, data exploitation, and more. Here’s why.

Biometric ID in Tunisia: a threat to privacy and data protection
Authorities in Tunisia have been deliberating over a biometric ID law that bears threats to the right to privacy & other fundamental rights.

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund met this week. They didn’t discuss digital identity programs, even though the World Bank itself funds “Big ID” systems.

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

Statement: Tunisia’s newly proposed biometric ID and e-passport threaten privacy
Access Now joins 30 groups in sounding the alarm about Tunisia’s revived biometric ID proposal, which still poses a serious threat to Tunisians’ privacy.

Biometrics for authentication: how the future of technology is going to change our lives

What is Tunisia’s unique identifier, and why is it being pushed now?

Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?
The ongoing global health crisis has demonstrated with painful clarity the risks posed by digital identity systems that centralize biometric data, health records, and other sensitive personal information. It is essential that governments, development agencies, funders, and all other stakeholders first ask the question #WhyID.

#WhyID: Protecting Our Identity in the Digital Age
Join the growing global movement calling on international actors and governments driving the rapid spread of centralized digital identity systems to put human rights first. We can’t afford to adopt this dangerous tech without first asking — #WhyID?

FAQ: Elections in Iraq – what will happen to the biometric data of voters?
Iraqis’ right to privacy must be protected, especially given the threats we see in the country today.