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Tag: biometric data

Mexico mobile phone registry 

Mexico’s president can prevent a privacy disaster: veto the new biometric mobile phone registry 

16 Apr 2021
Press Release
Mexico’s president can prevent a privacy disaster: veto the new biometric mobile phone registry 
16 Apr 2021
Mexico’s president can prevent a privacy disaster: veto the new biometric mobile phone registry 
Tunisia biometric passports

Iris scanning of refugees is disproportionate and dangerous — What’s happening behind IrisGuard’s closed doors?

12 Apr 2021

Refugees should not be required to hand over personal biometric data in exchange for basic needs such as purchasing food. However, iris scan tech is reportedly being used by the World Food Programme (WFP) and the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) in Jordan.

Press Release
Iris scanning of refugees is disproportionate and dangerous — What’s happening behind IrisGuard’s closed doors?
12 Apr 2021
Iris scanning of refugees is disproportionate and dangerous — What’s happening behind IrisGuard’s closed doors?
Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation

Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation

7 Apr 2021

Automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation is scientifically flawed and puts LGBT+ lives at risk. The European Union has the opportunity to ban this technology and prevent such tools from being exported around the world. Sign now!

Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation
7 Apr 2021
Ban automated recognition of gender and sexual orientation
Tunisia biometric passports

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

9 Mar 2021

بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

Press Release
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس
9 Mar 2021
بيان بخصوص بطاقة التعريف البيومترية و جواز السفر البيومتري المقترح في تونس

Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸

23 Feb 2021

Sign this European Citizens’ Initiative to urge EU lawmakers to put a stop to harmful, discriminatory biometric mass surveillance practices.

Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸
23 Feb 2021
Reclaim your face from surveillance 🥸

Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban

17 Feb 2021

Access Now, EDRi, and the Reclaim Your Face coalition are calling for a Europe-wide ban on the use of dangerous facial recognition technologies. Sign the petition today!

Press Release
Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban
17 Feb 2021
Reclaim Your Face: a call for European citizens to demand facial recognition ban
Data protection in MENA

Data exposed and exploited in Middle East and North Africa, new report explores

28 Jan 2021

From Ramallah to Beirut, the private data of millions is at risk. Access Now’s new report Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa, explores the privacy dangers burgeoning in Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Tunisia.

Press Release
Data exposed and exploited in Middle East and North Africa, new report explores
28 Jan 2021
Data exposed and exploited in Middle East and North Africa, new report explores
Data protection in MENA

Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa

28 Jan 2021

Access Now’s latest report, Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa, explores how a lack of strong data protection in MENA countries is leaving people vulnerable to abuse and exploitation of their most personal information.

Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa
28 Jan 2021
Exposed and exploited: Data protection in the Middle East and North Africa
Algorithmic accountability

Facial recognition: Don’t use it to snoop on how staff are feeling, says watchdog

28 Jan 2021
Facial recognition: Don’t use it to snoop on how staff are feeling, says watchdog
28 Jan 2021
Facial recognition: Don’t use it to snoop on how staff are feeling, says watchdog

El estado actual de la protección de los datos biométricos en Costa Rica

25 Jan 2021

El 2020 inició con el escándalo de la Unidad Presidencial de Análisis de Datos que incluía  datos “confidenciales”/ ”sensibles” y terminó con la instalación de 195 cámaras de reconocimiento facial en Alajuela y un proyecto de ley que autoriza la comercialización de datos biométricos ¿Qué está pasando en Costa Rica? ¿Qué podemos esperar para este 2021?

El estado actual de la protección de los datos biométricos en Costa Rica
25 Jan 2021
El estado actual de la protección de los datos biométricos en Costa Rica