Tag: biometric data

India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
Despite all the propaganda in favour of it, Aadhaar, India’s Big ID program, has had a disastrous impact on the lives of millions. Read Access Now’s new report.

Талибы завладели американскими базами биометрических данных. Под угрозой оказались миллионы афганцев

Afghanistan: The biometric, social and business data the Taliban could use to target left-behind Afghans

#WhyID: international actors in Afghanistan must clean up, restrict dangerous biometric trail
#WhyID: Access Now and civil society is calling on international actors to take immediate action to restrict and secure biometric data in Afghanistan.

Afghan panic over digital footprints spurs call for data collection rethink

Four signs Mexico is embracing digital authoritarianism

Ban Biometric Surveillance
More than 175 civil society organizations and experts around the world have already signed the open letter calling on decision makers to stand up against rights-abusing uses of biometric surveillance technologies. Will you join us to #BanBS?

Face biometrics systems shut down in Washington, DC and São Paulo, Brazil

The Mexican government wants to create a massive database with cell phone users’ biometric data

EU takes minimal steps to regulate harmful AI systems, must go further to protect fundamental rights
The European Commission just launched its Regulation on a European approach for Artificial Intelligence. Unfortunately, the new proposal falls short of meeting the minimum requirements needed to safeguard human rights in the EU.