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Tag: backdoors

Telegram vs Russia

Por que a encriptação é importante: 10 fatos para combater os mitos da encriptação

23 Sep 2021
Por que a encriptação é importante: 10 fatos para combater os mitos da encriptação
23 Sep 2021
Por que a encriptação é importante: 10 fatos para combater os mitos da encriptação

Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act would cripple digital security

8 Jul 2020

Access Now strongly opposes the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act, dangerous legislation that would erode digital security safeguards.

Press Release
Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act would cripple digital security
8 Jul 2020
Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act would cripple digital security
Breton's blocking statement

Access Now joins open letter on Facebook’s end-to-end encryption plans

8 Oct 2019

This week Access Now joined the open letter by the Center for Democracy & Technology to urge Facebook to continue to increase end-to-end security across its messaging services, in the face of government efforts to weaken it and hurt the human rights of countless users.

Press Release
Access Now joins open letter on Facebook’s end-to-end encryption plans
8 Oct 2019
Access Now joins open letter on Facebook’s end-to-end encryption plans
Secure Australia

Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights

6 Dec 2018

New legislation will undermine the security of communications platforms, threatening the rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

Press Release
Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights
6 Dec 2018
Australia joins Russia and China in undermining users’ security and threatening human rights

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia

12 Sep 2018

Australia asked for feedback on the draft Assistance and Access Bill, which threatens encryption and global cybersecurity. We made sure they heard from everyone we represent.

What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia
12 Sep 2018
What’s up Down Under: defending encryption in Australia

What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill

16 Aug 2018

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull recently introduced legislation to compel device manufacturers and service providers to assist law enforcement in accessing encrypted information.

What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill
16 Aug 2018
What (we think) you should know about Australia’s new encryption bill

Governments want encryption backdoors: new report examines the legal and policy implications

14 Feb 2018

Access Now released a new report that concludes that any policy mandating backdoors into encrypted products “would likely be effective for only a minimal time, would be substantially costly, and might harm security in general.”

Press Release
Governments want encryption backdoors: new report examines the legal and policy implications
14 Feb 2018
Governments want encryption backdoors: new report examines the legal and policy implications

Access Applauds Sen. Wyden’s Secure Data Act

4 Dec 2014

Today Sen. Ron Wyden introduced the Secure Data Act, a bill that would prohibit the government from mandating backdoors in hardware and software products.

Press Release
Access Applauds Sen. Wyden’s Secure Data Act
4 Dec 2014
Access Applauds Sen. Wyden’s Secure Data Act