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Tag: AT&T

Trump’s government is amassing data. AT&T is helping.

16 Aug 2017

Help us send an unmistakable message: don’t sell out our privacy.

Trump’s government is amassing data. AT&T is helping.
16 Aug 2017
Trump’s government is amassing data. AT&T is helping.

Trump’s government is amassing data. AT&T is helping.

16 Aug 2017

Help us send an unmistakable message: don’t sell out our privacy.

Trump’s government is amassing data. AT&T is helping.
16 Aug 2017
Trump’s government is amassing data. AT&T is helping.

Tell AT&T: Don’t sell our privacy!

11 Aug 2017

Help us send an unmistakable message: don’t sell out our privacy.

Tell AT&T: Don’t sell our privacy!
11 Aug 2017
Tell AT&T: Don’t sell our privacy!

AT&T is selling your data to police

24 Jul 2017

Speak up now – stop this program before government surveillance increases even more!

AT&T is selling your data to police
24 Jul 2017
AT&T is selling your data to police

Telefonica opens up as transparency standards improve

18 Jan 2017

The latest transparency reports and civil society work show the practice is growing up.

Telefonica opens up as transparency standards improve
18 Jan 2017
Telefonica opens up as transparency standards improve
Am I being Tracked

The Rise of Mobile Tracking Headers: How Telcos Around the World Are Threatening Your Privacy

21 Aug 2015
The Rise of Mobile Tracking Headers: How Telcos Around the World Are Threatening Your Privacy
21 Aug 2015
The Rise of Mobile Tracking Headers: How Telcos Around the World Are Threatening Your Privacy

AT&T takes first step toward transparency

21 Dec 2013

Following close on Verizon’s heels, AT&T today announced it will begin to publish a semi-annual online transparency report in early 2014. This announcement is an abrupt about-face for the company, which only two weeks ago requested that the SEC allow it to ignore a shareholder proposal calling for exactly such transparency.

AT&T takes first step toward transparency
21 Dec 2013
AT&T takes first step toward transparency

AT&T becomes second telco to promise a transparency report

20 Dec 2013

AT&T announced today it would begin in early 2014 to publish a semi-annual online report on the number of law enforcement requests for customer information that it receives, in each country of operations.

AT&T becomes second telco to promise a transparency report
20 Dec 2013
AT&T becomes second telco to promise a transparency report

AT&T wins Telco Hall of Shame Network Interference award

28 Feb 2013

After two weeks of voting, the “winner” of our Telco Hall of Shame is AT&T, who was nominated for being BFF’s with the NSA. The US-based telecommunications company won with nearly a quarter of the the vote, followed by another American telco, Verizon, with 17%.

AT&T wins Telco Hall of Shame Network Interference award
28 Feb 2013
AT&T wins Telco Hall of Shame Network Interference award

Telco Hall of Shame: AT&T

5 Feb 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: AT&T
5 Feb 2013
Telco Hall of Shame: AT&T