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Tag: Artificial Intelligence Act

AI Act

Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal

14 Dec 2023

The E.U. just agreed to (not quite a) deal on the AI Act. But what’s in it? What’s missing? And what happens now?

Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal
14 Dec 2023
Human rights protections…with exceptions: what’s (not) in the EU’s AI Act deal
AI Act

EU policymakers: regulate police technology!

20 Sep 2023

Civil society calls on EU policymakers to regulate policy technology.

Press Release
EU policymakers: regulate police technology!
20 Sep 2023
EU policymakers: regulate police technology!
Artificial intelligence image AI

The harm from AI is already here. What can the US do to protect us?

14 Jun 2023
The harm from AI is already here. What can the US do to protect us?
The Guardian ↗
14 Jun 2023
The harm from AI is already here. What can the US do to protect us?
Image: AI's human rights impact

Historic vote in the European Parliament: dangerous AI surveillance banned, but not for migrant people at the borders

14 Jun 2023

In a victory for fundamental rights, the European Parliament has given the green light to a much-improved Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) in a plenary vote. The AI Act is a cornerstone legislation that should ensure people’s rights across the EU and at the border are protected from surveillance and put before Big Tech and security industry profits.

Press Release
Historic vote in the European Parliament: dangerous AI surveillance banned, but not for migrant people at the borders
14 Jun 2023
Historic vote in the European Parliament: dangerous AI surveillance banned, but not for migrant people at the borders
ITFlows artificial intelligence

EU negotiations on AI systems must #ProtectNotSurveil people on the move

9 Feb 2023

Access Now calls on the European Parliament to #ProtectNotSurveil people on the move in the Artificial Intelligence Act.

Press Release
EU negotiations on AI systems must #ProtectNotSurveil people on the move
9 Feb 2023
EU negotiations on AI systems must #ProtectNotSurveil people on the move
AI Act

EU AI Act must protect all people, regardless of migration status

6 Dec 2022

Access Now and partners call on the EU to ensure the AI Act protects all people, regardless of their migration status.

Press Release
EU AI Act must protect all people, regardless of migration status
6 Dec 2022
EU AI Act must protect all people, regardless of migration status
ITFlows artificial intelligence

The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move

12 May 2022

The EU AI Act is supposed to protect the rights of everyone impacted by AI systems. But it ignores the systems impacting people on the move. Here are three steps policymakers can take to fix that problem.

The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move
12 May 2022
The EU AI Act: How to (truly) protect people on the move
Artificial intelligence image AI

EU Parliament’s draft of AI Act: predictive policing is banned, but work remains to protect people’s rights

4 May 2022

Access Now welcomes banning individual risk assessment for predictive policing in the AI Act, but other practices that undermine human rights are omitted. 

Press Release
EU Parliament’s draft of AI Act: predictive policing is banned, but work remains to protect people’s rights
4 May 2022
EU Parliament’s draft of AI Act: predictive policing is banned, but work remains to protect people’s rights
ITFlows artificial intelligence

The EU needs an Artificial Intelligence Act that protects fundamental rights

30 Nov 2021

Access Now and over 110 civil society organisations have laid out proposals to make sure the European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act addresses the real-world impacts of the use of artificial intelligence.

Press Release
The EU needs an Artificial Intelligence Act that protects fundamental rights
30 Nov 2021
The EU needs an Artificial Intelligence Act that protects fundamental rights