Tag: Arab Spring

Tunisian police are using drones and Facebook to doxx LGBTQ protesters

Digital dominion: new report exposes the depth of Syrian regime’s mass surveillance
Access Now and UIC John Marshall Law School International Human Rights Clinic are launching “Digital dominion: how the Syrian regime’s mass digital surveillance violates human rights.”

Arab Spring: ten years in, how can we reclaim the internet as an open space?
The internet played a pivotal role during the Arab Spring protests. But a decade on, the state of internet freedom in many Arab countries has deteriorated. Join us for a virtual conversation to explore the evolution of the digital space from a tool of mobilization to one of repression.

الاحتجاجات في تونس والتصعيد نحو الرقابة والقمع

Tunisia’s protests and the slippery slope to censorship and repression
On the tenth anniversary of Tunisia’s revolution, hundreds of Tunisians took to the streets in protest. The ensuing police crackdown on Tunisia’s protests was brutal, revealing the fragility of Tunisians’ democratic freedoms. We call on lawmakers to strengthen and protect their rights, online and off.

Access Now condemns escalating attacks against activists and peaceful protesters in Tunisia
Access Now calls for the immediate release of arbitrarily detained protesters, activists, and internet users in Tunisia, and for authorities to urgently halt its escalation on freedom of expression, both online and offline.

The social media myth about the Arab Spring

From Egypt to Uganda, A Decade of Internet Shutdowns

‘Stop silencing MENA critical voices,’ say activists in open letter to Twitter and Facebook

Open Letter to Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube: Stop silencing critical voices from the Middle East and North Africa
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the Arab Spring, and Access Now, activists, journalists, and human rights organizations, are voicing our frustration at how platform policies and content moderation procedures all too often lead to the silencing and erasure of critical voices across the Middle East and North Africa.