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Tag: Amazon

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Sonic surveillance: why you don’t want AI snooping on you

30 Jun 2021

The threat voice recognition technology poses to our rights needs to be addressed now — before our voices become yet another piece of biometric data to be used against us.

Sonic surveillance: why you don’t want AI snooping on you
30 Jun 2021
Sonic surveillance: why you don’t want AI snooping on you

Amazon Sidewalk will crowdsource your WiFi. Here’s what to know.

9 Jun 2021
Amazon Sidewalk will crowdsource your WiFi. Here’s what to know.
9 Jun 2021
Amazon Sidewalk will crowdsource your WiFi. Here’s what to know.

Ban biometric surveillance: civil society demands outright prohibitions on public and private use

7 Jun 2021

Ban biometric surveillance! Access Now and over 150 civil society actors across the globe are calling for a ban on biometric surveillance.

Press Release
Ban biometric surveillance: civil society demands outright prohibitions on public and private use
7 Jun 2021
Ban biometric surveillance: civil society demands outright prohibitions on public and private use

Putting a check on Big Tech: the path to accountability for companies in the 2020 RDR Index

3 Jun 2021

Once again, we’re asking some of the world’s most powerful companies to review the findings in the Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) Corporate Accountability Index and make key changes to protect people’s rights.

Putting a check on Big Tech: the path to accountability for companies in the 2020 RDR Index
3 Jun 2021
Putting a check on Big Tech: the path to accountability for companies in the 2020 RDR Index
Breton's blocking statement

Forget winning, can Amazon survive in India?

26 Jan 2021
Forget winning, can Amazon survive in India?
26 Jan 2021
Forget winning, can Amazon survive in India?

Big Tech Must Be Broken Up’: House Report on Silicon Valley Monopolies Bolsters Call for Far-Reaching Antitrust Measures

7 Oct 2020
Big Tech Must Be Broken Up’: House Report on Silicon Valley Monopolies Bolsters Call for Far-Reaching Antitrust Measures
7 Oct 2020
Big Tech Must Be Broken Up’: House Report on Silicon Valley Monopolies Bolsters Call for Far-Reaching Antitrust Measures

Amazon halts police use of Rekognition

11 Jun 2020

Amazon’s decision to ban police use of Rekognition for one year is a step in the right direction, but the company must do more to safeguard human rights.

Press Release
Amazon halts police use of Rekognition
11 Jun 2020
Amazon halts police use of Rekognition

Australian government justifies decision to go with AWS for COVIDSafe

18 May 2020
Australian government justifies decision to go with AWS for COVIDSafe
18 May 2020
Australian government justifies decision to go with AWS for COVIDSafe

Civil liberty groups dismiss guarantee on US not accessing COVIDSafe data

14 May 2020
Civil liberty groups dismiss guarantee on US not accessing COVIDSafe data
14 May 2020
Civil liberty groups dismiss guarantee on US not accessing COVIDSafe data

Stepping up to the challenge: which companies are responding on digital rights?

11 Mar 2020

Only 10 of the 24 companies publicly responded to Access Now’s open letters asking for improvement in one key area based on each company’s evaluation results of the Ranking Digital Rights Index.

Stepping up to the challenge: which companies are responding on digital rights?
11 Mar 2020
Stepping up to the challenge: which companies are responding on digital rights?