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Tag: All Out

Basta de normalizar la vigilancia masiva en América Latina

4 Feb 2022
Basta de normalizar la vigilancia masiva en América Latina
4 Feb 2022
Basta de normalizar la vigilancia masiva en América Latina

Stop normalizing mass surveillance in Latin America

4 Feb 2022

Foreign companies are bringing mass surveillance tech to Latin America and the general public seems to think that’s okay. Here’s why it’s not.

Stop normalizing mass surveillance in Latin America
4 Feb 2022
Stop normalizing mass surveillance in Latin America
Kazakhstan internet

أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)

9 Mar 2021

أصدرت Access Now و ائتلاف #KeepItOn تقرير عن أخبار حجب الإنترنت يتضمن بيانات عن عام 2020 بأكمله

أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)
9 Mar 2021
أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)
Kazakhstan internet

#KeepItOn report: internet shutdowns shatter dreams, endanger lives

3 Mar 2021

Authorities in 29 countries shut down or interfered with the internet at least 155 times in 2020. Access Now’s new report, Shattered dreams and lost opportunities: a year in the fight to #KeepItOn, explores where, how, and why, the internet was deliberately switched off in 2020, and the long-lasting repercussions for communities across the globe.

Press Release
#KeepItOn report: internet shutdowns shatter dreams, endanger lives
3 Mar 2021
#KeepItOn report: internet shutdowns shatter dreams, endanger lives
Kazakhstan internet

Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn

3 Mar 2021

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition report on internet shutdown news, exploring data from the entire year of 2020.

Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn
3 Mar 2021
Internet shutdowns report: Shattered dreams and lost opportunities — a year in the fight to #KeepItOn

In Egypt, expressing your sexuality online makes you a target for human rights abuse. That has to stop.

9 Nov 2017

Authorities in Egypt are cracking down on the LGBTQI community, including online attacks that lead to arrest and torture. We must defend their fundamental rights.

In Egypt, expressing your sexuality online makes you a target for human rights abuse. That has to stop.
9 Nov 2017
In Egypt, expressing your sexuality online makes you a target for human rights abuse. That has to stop.