Tag: AI

The computer says No: How the EU’s AI laws cause new injustice

Submission to the European Commission’s consultation on the Artificial Intelligence Act


They can hear you: 6 ways tech is listening to you
Voice recognition technology often violates human rights, and it’s popping up more and more. Recently we’ve called out Spotify for their dangerous voice recognition tech, and a lot more companies are up to the same shady tactics.

Sonic surveillance: why you don’t want AI snooping on you
The threat voice recognition technology poses to our rights needs to be addressed now — before our voices become yet another piece of biometric data to be used against us.

‘Every smile you fake’ — an AI emotion-recognition system can assess how ‘happy’ China’s workers are in the office

Europe’s AI rules open door to mass use of facial recognition, critics warn

AI is taking over job hiring, but can it be racist?

RightsCon spotlight: “The Privatised Panopticon: Workers’ Surveillance in the Digital Age”
In a session with European Digital Rights at RightsCon, we will explore how surveillance technology can make your workplace function like a prison: a privatised panopticon that threatens labour movements and undermines human rights.

Prohibiting discriminatory algorithms: U.S. Congress has a plan
Access Now is proud to endorse the Algorithmic Justice and Online Platform Transparency Act of 2021, introduced by U.S. Senator Markey and Representative Matsui. The bill would help protect marginalized communities from discrimination online and increase transparency into websites’ systems of content promotion and moderation.