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Tag: Ahmed Mansoor

COP28: UAE authorities must stop greenwashing human rights abuses

14 Sep 2023
Press Release
COP28: UAE authorities must stop greenwashing human rights abuses
14 Sep 2023
COP28: UAE authorities must stop greenwashing human rights abuses

19 civil society organizations call on US administration to press the UAE to release Ahmed Mansoor ahead of COP 28

30 Aug 2023

In a joint letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, we urge him to call upon the UAE government to promptly and unconditionally release Ahmed Mansoor.

Press Release
19 civil society organizations call on US administration to press the UAE to release Ahmed Mansoor ahead of COP 28
30 Aug 2023
19 civil society organizations call on US administration to press the UAE to release Ahmed Mansoor ahead of COP 28
Caso Ola Bini: nuevamente se suspende la audiencia

Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders

18 Dec 2019

Civil society is standing together to defend security researchers and trainers who act to protect and promote human rights. Join us to demand strong protection of their work and recognition as human rights defenders. 

Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders
18 Dec 2019
Join our Statement for the Protection of Digital Rights Defenders
NSO Group human rights

Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach

18 Nov 2019

The impact that surveillance technology has had on vulnerable individuals and members of at-risk communities demonstrates why comprehensive, systemic regulation of this industry is both necessary and urgent.

Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach
18 Nov 2019
Export bans alone won’t stop surveillance — we need a new global approach

Wish this imprisoned activist a happy birthday

17 Oct 2019

Award-winning human rights defender Ahmed Mansoor is facing a 10-year jail sentence for speaking out on social media about human rights violations in the UAE. On October 22, Ahmed will spend his 50th birthday behind bars, but we are letting him know he is not alone.

Wish this imprisoned activist a happy birthday
17 Oct 2019
Wish this imprisoned activist a happy birthday

أرسل دعمك ومساندتك للناشط والمدون أحمد منصور بمناسبة عيد ميلاده

17 Oct 2019

يواجه المدافع عن حقوق الإنسان عقوبة السجن لمدة 10 سنوات بسبب التحدث والتعبير على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي حول انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان في الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وهو محتجز في الحبس الانفرادي، بلا سرير أو مياه جارية، كما أنه يتعرض للضرب وغيره من أشكال سوء المعاملة. في 22 أكتوبر، سيقضي أحمد عيد ميلاده الخمسين خلف القضبان، لكننا نعلمه أنه ليس وحده!

أرسل دعمك ومساندتك للناشط والمدون أحمد منصور بمناسبة عيد ميلاده
17 Oct 2019
أرسل دعمك ومساندتك للناشط والمدون أحمد منصور بمناسبة عيد ميلاده
NSO Group human rights

April 2019: Open letter to Novalpina Capital, cc: NSO Group, Francisco Partners

15 Apr 2019

The new owners of NSO Group continue to fail to demonstrate how they plan to prevent use of their surveillance products to harm human rights.

Press Release
April 2019: Open letter to Novalpina Capital, cc: NSO Group, Francisco Partners
15 Apr 2019
April 2019: Open letter to Novalpina Capital, cc: NSO Group, Francisco Partners
NSO Group human rights

Open letter to Novalpina Capital

18 Feb 2019

As an owner of NSO Group, Novalpina must take action to address the human rights impacts of the company’s products and services.

Press Release
Open letter to Novalpina Capital
18 Feb 2019
Open letter to Novalpina Capital

Saving free expression in MENA: what happens after Khashoggi’s death?

25 Oct 2018

The international community must act to investigate the evident murder of Jamal Khashoggi, and to amplify Arab voices.

Saving free expression in MENA: what happens after Khashoggi’s death?
25 Oct 2018
Saving free expression in MENA: what happens after Khashoggi’s death?
Chain link fence

Free expression in MENA: death by a thousand cuts

7 Jun 2018

Across the region, authorities are leveraging accusations of “fake news” and imposing harsh prison sentences — in some cases, 10 years — based on what an advocate has posted online.

Free expression in MENA: death by a thousand cuts
7 Jun 2018
Free expression in MENA: death by a thousand cuts