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Tag: Africa

election internet shutdowns

Congo cannot repeat history this election, authorities must keep the country connected

16 Mar 2021

Update: March 22 — To the dismay of the #KeepItOn coalition and the international community, authorities in the Republic of the Congo shutdown the internet on the eve of the presidential election.

Press Release
Congo cannot repeat history this election, authorities must keep the country connected
16 Mar 2021
Congo cannot repeat history this election, authorities must keep the country connected
election internet shutdowns

#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo

16 Mar 2021

Nations across Africa, and the world, are intentionally shutting down the internet when people need it the most — during elections and important national events. This election, we urge the Republic of the Congo to #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo
16 Mar 2021
#KeepItOn: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of the Congo

Africa na internet: ni ibihe bihugu vyayiciye,vyabikoze gute?

13 Jan 2021
Africa na internet: ni ibihe bihugu vyayiciye,vyabikoze gute?
13 Jan 2021
Africa na internet: ni ibihe bihugu vyayiciye,vyabikoze gute?
Transparency reporting index main visual image

MTN transparency could shed new light on digital blackouts in Africa

12 Nov 2020

After years of calls from civil society for transparency and accountability, MTN has taken an important first step.

Press Release
MTN transparency could shed new light on digital blackouts in Africa
12 Nov 2020
MTN transparency could shed new light on digital blackouts in Africa

Où et comment les gouvernements bloquent-ils internet?

4 Nov 2020
Où et comment les gouvernements bloquent-ils internet?
4 Nov 2020
Où et comment les gouvernements bloquent-ils internet?

Open letter to MTN’s new Chief Executive Officer: open the door to civil society

29 Sep 2020

The undersigned civil society organizations, write to invite Ralph Mupita, new Chief Executive Officer at MTN, into dialogue with our community, and provide guidance on how telcos like MTN can better respect the human rights of their users. 

Press Release
Open letter to MTN’s new Chief Executive Officer: open the door to civil society
29 Sep 2020
Open letter to MTN’s new Chief Executive Officer: open the door to civil society

Op-ed: MTN’s opaque policies and role in internet shutdowns trigger alarm bells

29 Sep 2020

BusinessDay: Telcos are key actors in the fight for human rights and public welfare, and MTN is one of Africa’s most prominent telecom service providers. Yet its dealings are almost completely opaque and require drastic transformation.

Op-ed: MTN’s opaque policies and role in internet shutdowns trigger alarm bells
29 Sep 2020
Op-ed: MTN’s opaque policies and role in internet shutdowns trigger alarm bells

Open letter to Facebook on violence-inciting speech: Act now to protect Ethiopians

27 Jul 2020

Civil society organizations and individuals from around the world are calling on Facebook to immediately take action to stop its services from being used to incite violence, propagate hatred, and advance discrimination in Ethiopia.

Open letter to Facebook on violence-inciting speech: Act now to protect Ethiopians
27 Jul 2020
Open letter to Facebook on violence-inciting speech: Act now to protect Ethiopians

Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers

23 Jun 2020

After Facebook disabled 60+ accounts of Tunisian users, we and our partners wrote the company to ask why. We’re still waiting for a full and public response.

Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers
23 Jun 2020
Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers

Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?

12 Jun 2020

“Operation Carthage” has revealed attempts to leverage Facebook to influence elections in Tunisia and countries in Africa, and the company disabled accounts without explanation. We’re demanding answers.

Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?
12 Jun 2020
Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?