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Tag: Africa

Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Protests erupt after Senegal parliament voted on the election delay

6 Feb 2024
Protests erupt after Senegal parliament voted on the election delay
Newzroom Afrika ↗
6 Feb 2024
Protests erupt after Senegal parliament voted on the election delay
Key issues in data protection framework in Africa event header

Report examines state of African nations’ data protection laws, implementation efforts

1 Feb 2024
Report examines state of African nations’ data protection laws, implementation efforts
International Association of Privacy Professionals ↗
1 Feb 2024
Report examines state of African nations’ data protection laws, implementation efforts
Azerbaijani government #KeepItOn elections

For journalists in Africa, war and social media posts can bring legal threats

30 Jan 2024
For journalists in Africa, war and social media posts can bring legal threats
Voice of America ↗
30 Jan 2024
For journalists in Africa, war and social media posts can bring legal threats
Senegal Internet Shutdowns

Gabon : «Les coupures d’Internet sapent les démocraties et mettent des vies en danger»

31 Aug 2023
Gabon : «Les coupures d’Internet sapent les démocraties et mettent des vies en danger»
Libération ↗
31 Aug 2023
Gabon : «Les coupures d’Internet sapent les démocraties et mettent des vies en danger»
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet access in Gabon restored after post-election coup

30 Aug 2023
Internet access in Gabon restored after post-election coup
The Record ↗
30 Aug 2023
Internet access in Gabon restored after post-election coup
Regulating digital platforms

Kenyan government and TikTok agree on content regulation mechanism

26 Aug 2023
Kenyan government and TikTok agree on content regulation mechanism
Newzroom Africa ↗
26 Aug 2023
Kenyan government and TikTok agree on content regulation mechanism
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Democratic elections in Zimbabwe require an open, accessible internet

25 Aug 2023
Democratic elections in Zimbabwe require an open, accessible internet
Tech Policy Press ↗
25 Aug 2023
Democratic elections in Zimbabwe require an open, accessible internet
Keep It On Gabon

#KeepItOn : Notre appel pour le maintien de l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé lors des prochaines élections au Gabon

24 Aug 2023

Les gouvernements d’Afrique doivent garantir que les citoyens puissent accéder à un Internet ouvert et accessible #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepItOn : Notre appel pour le maintien de l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé lors des prochaines élections au Gabon
24 Aug 2023
#KeepItOn : Notre appel pour le maintien de l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé lors des prochaines élections au Gabon
Azerbaijani government #KeepItOn elections

Gabon’s election: President Ali Bongo must protect internet access

24 Aug 2023

President Ali Bongo must keep the internet accessible throughout Gabon’s entire general election process — regardless of the outcome.

Press Release
Gabon’s election: President Ali Bongo must protect internet access
24 Aug 2023
Gabon’s election: President Ali Bongo must protect internet access
Keep It On Gabon

#KeepItOn: our call to guarantee open and secure  internet access during upcoming elections in Gabon

24 Aug 2023

Governments across Africa must ensure people can access the internet when they need it the most. This election, we urge Gabon to #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: our call to guarantee open and secure  internet access during upcoming elections in Gabon
24 Aug 2023
#KeepItOn: our call to guarantee open and secure  internet access during upcoming elections in Gabon