Tag: Accountability

Sheikh Jarrah: Facebook and Twitter systematically silencing protests, deleting evidence
Facebook and Twitter are systematically silencing users protesting and documenting the evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem.

Zoom promises its first transparency report later this year

Rights groups to Facebook on Tunisia’s “disappeared” accounts: we’re still waiting for answers
After Facebook disabled 60+ accounts of Tunisian users, we and our partners wrote the company to ask why. We’re still waiting for a full and public response.

Transparency required: is Facebook’s effort to clean up “Operation Carthage” damaging free expression in Tunisia?
“Operation Carthage” has revealed attempts to leverage Facebook to influence elections in Tunisia and countries in Africa, and the company disabled accounts without explanation. We’re demanding answers.

It’s time for ICANN to #SaveDotOrg
Deadline nears to decide future of civil society’s home online

Access Now urges transparency from Zoom on privacy and security
As the world moves to working online to protect the health and safety of our communities, companies such as Zoom have become our new workplaces. Are they secure?

Stepping up to the challenge: which companies are responding on digital rights?
Only 10 of the 24 companies publicly responded to Access Now’s open letters asking for improvement in one key area based on each company’s evaluation results of the Ranking Digital Rights Index.

Going dark: companies today release fewer transparency reports, less data
Our latest update to the Transparency Reporting Index shows that corporate transparency and accountability need a reboot.

You have one job: Access Now asks for (at least) one improvement from 24 companies on digital rights
Access Now sent letters to each of the companies in the RDR Corporate Accountability Index, urging them to review their performance and provide a public response to the findings.