Tag: Access to information

Diputados analizaron el marco de plataformas digitales para una internet “libre y abierta”

Myanmar: drop charges against activist poet Maung Saungkha
The Myanmar authorities should immediately drop the charge against the free-speech activist and poet Maung Saungkha.

Snatching away a lifeline: Australia cannot deny asylum seekers mobile phone access
Lawmakers must reject a bill to give the Australian Border Force the right to confiscate mobile phones — a lifeline of information, communication, and documentation — from asylum seekers in Australian immigration detention.

Myanmar: dismiss all charges against activists for challenging year-long internet shutdown
Access Now denounces the persecution of Maung Saungkha, a prominent Myanmar poet and activist, by authorities in Myanmar and demands an end to his continued harassment. Maung Saungkha is being accused of organizing “unlawful” protests to demand an end to the internet shutdown in Rakhine and Chin states.

#IWantALetter: Take action to demand that Egyptian authorities provide information updates on their response to the pandemic in prisons

Kill Switch: a new internet shutdowns podcast from Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition is launching Kill Switch, a six-part podcast series exploring the devastating impact of internet shutdowns on the human rights of people affected by this extraordinary form of anti-democratic oppression.

ECOWAS Togo court decision: Internet access is a right that requires protection of the law
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Community Court has issued a pivotal decision for the right of freedom of expression in Togo and other West African States.

Ethiopia’s internet shutdown is silencing migrant workers stranded in Lebanon

#KeepItOn: The Ethiopian government must end internet shutdowns to quell protests
The Ethiopian government must pledge to stop imposing internet shutdowns. They are never an appropriate response to protests and unrest.