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Tag: Access to information

Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality

17 Sep 2013

Last Thursday, after two years of delay, the European Commission published a proposal for the Regulation of the Telecom Single Market that promises Net Neutrality but delivers just the opposite.

Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality
17 Sep 2013
Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality

UN Secretary-General joins growing international concern over surveillance and human rights

29 Aug 2013

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has joined the chorus of international leaders reaffirming the need to protect human rights in the face of mass surveillance.

UN Secretary-General joins growing international concern over surveillance and human rights
29 Aug 2013
UN Secretary-General joins growing international concern over surveillance and human rights

Mixed bag for freedom of expression in Ecuador’s new Communications Law

27 Jun 2013

After almost four years of discussion, Ecuador’s National Assembly passed a new Communications Law, providing a legal framework for the fundamental right to communications considered in the Constitution of 2008. While this new legislation represents a great advance for internet access, along with a more equitable distribution of public spectrum, it also contains some provisions that represent a threat to freedom of expression.

Mixed bag for freedom of expression in Ecuador’s new Communications Law
27 Jun 2013
Mixed bag for freedom of expression in Ecuador’s new Communications Law