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Tag: Access to information

India fake news law

Wikipedia blocked in Pakistan: government must end censorship expansion

8 Feb 2023

Pakistan blocked Wikipedia for not removing “sacrilegious” content. The government must cease its systematic expansion of control over online spaces.

Press Release
Wikipedia blocked in Pakistan: government must end censorship expansion
8 Feb 2023
Wikipedia blocked in Pakistan: government must end censorship expansion
Image: Two Years in the dark is two years too long

Long-cut phones ring again in Ethiopia’s Tigray, bring grief

21 Dec 2022
Long-cut phones ring again in Ethiopia’s Tigray, bring grief
21 Dec 2022
Long-cut phones ring again in Ethiopia’s Tigray, bring grief
Corporate transparency Social card

Musk’s Twitter takeover must not silence activists

2 Nov 2022

Now that tech billionaire Elon Musk has completed his takeover of Twitter, he must protect the voices of human rights defenders across the globe. 

Press Release
Musk’s Twitter takeover must not silence activists
2 Nov 2022
Musk’s Twitter takeover must not silence activists
How Mailchimp helps Putin silence activists

Mailchimp is still silencing activists in Russia

18 Aug 2022

When Mailchimp left Russia, we warned the company not to cut off Russian civil society. Today, it’s still silencing pro-democracy and anti-war voices, ignoring human rights guidance.

Mailchimp is still silencing activists in Russia
18 Aug 2022
Mailchimp is still silencing activists in Russia
Indonesia MR5 Amicus Brief

Global coalition of NGOs urge Indonesia to repeal censorship regulations

4 Jul 2022

The ministerial regulations MR5 and the amendment MR10 contain content moderation provisions that are inconsistent with internationally recognized human rights, including freedom of expression and opinion.

Press Release
Global coalition of NGOs urge Indonesia to repeal censorship regulations
4 Jul 2022
Global coalition of NGOs urge Indonesia to repeal censorship regulations
Image: human rights in the metaverse - girl using a VR goggle.

Human rights in the metaverse

7 Jun 2022
Human rights in the metaverse
7 Jun 2022
Human rights in the metaverse
EU Ukraine

Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices

29 Mar 2022

Despots like Putin and Lukashenko rule by isolating and lying to their people. Here are four strategies to fight disinformation and protect anti-war voices in Russia and Belarus.

Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices
29 Mar 2022
Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices
KeepItOn Elections shutdown handbook header image

Russia is nearly isolated online. What does that mean for the internet’s future?

15 Mar 2022
Russia is nearly isolated online. What does that mean for the internet’s future?
15 Mar 2022
Russia is nearly isolated online. What does that mean for the internet’s future?

Why internet shutdowns are even worse for women

8 Mar 2022

As we mark International Women’s Day, we share what women around the world say about their experiences with internet shutdowns.

Why internet shutdowns are even worse for women
8 Mar 2022
Why internet shutdowns are even worse for women
Myanmar's digital dictatorship

Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group

31 Jan 2022

We write to the Prime Minister of Norway on behalf of 168 organisations in Myanmar to express our grave concern regarding the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group.

Press Release
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group
31 Jan 2022
Open letter to the Prime Minister of Norway: stop the sale of Telenor Myanmar to M1 Group