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Tag: Aadhaar

Tunisia biometric passports

Supreme Court of India rules to restrict world’s largest digital identity framework (Aadhaar) — but debate continues

26 Sep 2018

The Supreme Court of India has ruled on multiple challenges raised against the Aadhaar digital ID, making key restrictions.

Supreme Court of India rules to restrict world’s largest digital identity framework (Aadhaar) — but debate continues
26 Sep 2018
Supreme Court of India rules to restrict world’s largest digital identity framework (Aadhaar) — but debate continues

India’s opportunity to ensure a strong privacy framework for the next billion

21 Jun 2018

India’s internet users are not protected by any national privacy institution or adequate data protection framework. But that might change — soon.

India’s opportunity to ensure a strong privacy framework for the next billion
21 Jun 2018
India’s opportunity to ensure a strong privacy framework for the next billion
Tunisia biometric passports

Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week

19 Apr 2018

Every government that seeks to protect privacy should take the time necessary to pause, reflect, and assess what digital identity programs will mean to our global society.

Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week
19 Apr 2018
Digital identity programs: what could go wrong? Our contribution at UNCTAD’s E-Commerce Week
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات

10 Apr 2018
كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات
10 Apr 2018
كامبريدج أناليتيكا: طريقة غير مشروعة للحصول على معطيات شخصية لـ 87 مليون شخص! تعرف على آخر المستجدات
Tunisia biometric passports

National digital identity programmes: what’s next?

21 Mar 2018

Our working paper on national digital ID programmes explores the human rights implications and provides lawmakers globally with policy recommendations in the areas of governance, privacy and data protection, and cybersecurity.

National digital identity programmes: what’s next?
21 Mar 2018
National digital identity programmes: what’s next?
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection

21 Mar 2018

It’s critically important to see the big picture of the scandal and work toward an online ecosystem that does not depend on harvesting users’ data instead of protecting it.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection
21 Mar 2018
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature: How Cambridge Analytica demonstrates the desperate need for data protection

Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.

11 Jan 2018

Tunisians have won a major victory for privacy, beating back a proposal for a dangerous biometric ID. Here’s how it happened.

Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.
11 Jan 2018
Biometric ID vs. privacy: Tunisians win on privacy! But it’s not over yet.

Tunisia’s “Aadhaar”? Read the draft law for a dangerous new ID, now in English

30 Aug 2017

We’ve translated the draft law for a biometric ID in Tunisia that threatens hard-won privacy and free expression rights.

Tunisia’s “Aadhaar”? Read the draft law for a dangerous new ID, now in English
30 Aug 2017
Tunisia’s “Aadhaar”? Read the draft law for a dangerous new ID, now in English