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Tag: Aadhaar

Digital ID Systems

Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?

29 Apr 2020

The ongoing global health crisis has demonstrated with painful clarity the risks posed by digital identity systems that centralize biometric data, health records, and other sensitive personal information. It is essential that governments, development agencies, funders, and all other stakeholders first ask the question #WhyID.

Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?
29 Apr 2020
Government responses to COVID-19 reinforce the need to ask — #WhyID?
United Nations Human Rights Concil

United Nations: protect rights in welfare systems’ tech overhaul

17 Oct 2019

Governments should pay attention to the call of the United Nations’ leading expert on poverty to fully integrate human rights protections into their efforts to digitize and automate welfare benefits and services.

Press Release
United Nations: protect rights in welfare systems’ tech overhaul
17 Oct 2019
United Nations: protect rights in welfare systems’ tech overhaul
Net Neutrality India

Review of action on digital rights in India’s Parliament shows opportunity for more engagement

15 Oct 2019

We hope to see India’s Parliament increase the substance and quantity of initiatives for protecting Indians’ digital rights.

Review of action on digital rights in India’s Parliament shows opportunity for more engagement
15 Oct 2019
Review of action on digital rights in India’s Parliament shows opportunity for more engagement

India’s facial recognition plans anger privacy campaigners

29 Sep 2019
India’s facial recognition plans anger privacy campaigners
29 Sep 2019
India’s facial recognition plans anger privacy campaigners
Tunisia biometric passports

As Aadhaar’s idea spreads from Kenya to Venezuela, we still need to ask – Why ID?

27 Sep 2019
As Aadhaar’s idea spreads from Kenya to Venezuela, we still need to ask – Why ID?
27 Sep 2019
As Aadhaar’s idea spreads from Kenya to Venezuela, we still need to ask – Why ID?

More legislation on digital rights in Lok Sabha than Rajya Sabha: report

8 Aug 2019
More legislation on digital rights in Lok Sabha than Rajya Sabha: report
8 Aug 2019
More legislation on digital rights in Lok Sabha than Rajya Sabha: report
Tunisia biometric passports

India’s update to Aadhaar — a failure to fix the world’s largest biometrics-based national digital ID programme

26 Jun 2019

The new amendment bill would undo the Indian Supreme Court’s adopted principles for protecting privacy and data security in the Aadhaar digital ID programme. 

India’s update to Aadhaar — a failure to fix the world’s largest biometrics-based national digital ID programme
26 Jun 2019
India’s update to Aadhaar — a failure to fix the world’s largest biometrics-based national digital ID programme
AI ethics

Dr. Usha Ramanathan declared “Hero” for speaking out against India’s controversial Aadhaar digital identity program

8 Jun 2019

Today, Access Now announces its selection of Indian privacy activist Dr. Usha Ramanathan as a 2018 Human Rights Hero.

Press Release
Dr. Usha Ramanathan declared “Hero” for speaking out against India’s controversial Aadhaar digital identity program
8 Jun 2019
Dr. Usha Ramanathan declared “Hero” for speaking out against India’s controversial Aadhaar digital identity program
Tunisia biometric passports

As Aadhaar amendment Bill lapses, Indian policymakers should rethink the digital identity project

26 Feb 2019

It is now clear that the badly designed system will do more harm than good. But it cannot be fixed through patchwork changes.

As Aadhaar amendment Bill lapses, Indian policymakers should rethink the digital identity project
26 Feb 2019
As Aadhaar amendment Bill lapses, Indian policymakers should rethink the digital identity project

Protecting our privacy under the CLOUD: what new agreements should look like

4 Oct 2018

The U.S. is currently in negotiations with the U.K. regarding a CLOUD Act data access agreement. Here’s what any new agreement should have to protect our rights.

Protecting our privacy under the CLOUD: what new agreements should look like
4 Oct 2018
Protecting our privacy under the CLOUD: what new agreements should look like