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Tag: Aadhaar

sistemas de identificación digital

Carta abierta: El Banco Mundial y sus donantes deben proteger los derechos humanos en los sistemas de identificación digital

7 Sep 2022

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil están llamando al Banco Mundial a que cese de apoyar sistemas de identificación digital no verificados.

Press Release
Carta abierta: El Banco Mundial y sus donantes deben proteger los derechos humanos en los sistemas de identificación digital
7 Sep 2022
Carta abierta: El Banco Mundial y sus donantes deben proteger los derechos humanos en los sistemas de identificación digital
Digital ID Systems

#WhyID: World Bank and dangerous digital ID systems do not mix

7 Sep 2022

Access Now and partners are calling on the World Bank to stop supporting digital ID systems that enable surveillance, exclusion, and discrimination.

Press Release
#WhyID: World Bank and dangerous digital ID systems do not mix
7 Sep 2022
#WhyID: World Bank and dangerous digital ID systems do not mix
sistemas de identificación digital

#WhyID: El Banco Mundial y los sistemas de identificación digital peligrosos no se mezclan

7 Sep 2022

Organizaciones de la sociedad civil están llamando al Banco Mundial a que cese de apoyar sistemas de identificación digital no verificados.

Press Release
#WhyID: El Banco Mundial y los sistemas de identificación digital peligrosos no se mezclan
7 Sep 2022
#WhyID: El Banco Mundial y los sistemas de identificación digital peligrosos no se mezclan
Digital ID Systems

Open letter: World Bank and its donors must protect human rights in digital ID systems

7 Sep 2022

Access Now and partners urge the World Bank to immediately stop activities that promote harmful models of digital ID systems.

Press Release
Open letter: World Bank and its donors must protect human rights in digital ID systems
7 Sep 2022
Open letter: World Bank and its donors must protect human rights in digital ID systems
mitos big ID human rights

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond

15 Oct 2021

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund met this week. They didn’t discuss digital identity programs, even though the World Bank itself funds “Big ID” systems.

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
15 Oct 2021
We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
mitos big ID human rights

Desterrando mitos sobre el Big ID

5 Oct 2021
Desterrando mitos sobre el Big ID
5 Oct 2021
Desterrando mitos sobre el Big ID
mitos big ID human rights

Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights

5 Oct 2021

Big ID programs — frequently involving biometric data collection — are being rolled out across the globe, and endangering human rights. Read Access Now’s new report.

Press Release
Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights
5 Oct 2021
Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights
mitos big ID human rights

India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea

5 Oct 2021

Despite all the propaganda in favour of it, Aadhaar, India’s Big ID program, has had a disastrous impact on the lives of millions. Read Access Now’s new report.

Press Release
India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
5 Oct 2021
India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
mitos big ID human rights

Busting Big ID’s myths

5 Oct 2021

Big ID programs threaten our human rights yet are spreading like wildfire around the world. To buck the trend, we need to debunk the myths that propel digital ID systems forward.

Busting Big ID’s myths
5 Oct 2021
Busting Big ID’s myths

Who wins by linking Co-WIN to Aadhaar?

17 Feb 2021

Access Now echoes the Rethink Aadhaar campaign’s serious privacy concerns around India’s Co-WIN app, and potential misuse of personal data.

Press Release
Who wins by linking Co-WIN to Aadhaar?
17 Feb 2021
Who wins by linking Co-WIN to Aadhaar?