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Region: Zambia

Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa

28 Apr 2022

Last year, 12 countries cut internet access at least 19 times in Africa. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021”

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa
Sierra Leone

The Shutdown podcast

16 Mar 2022
The Shutdown podcast
16 Mar 2022
The Shutdown podcast
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

Shutdown in Zambia on election day: How it affected people’s lives and wellbeing

14 Sep 2021

We share five stories to show how the shutdown in Zambia affected people’s lives, as well as ways you can join the fight against internet shutdowns around the world.

Shutdown in Zambia on election day: How it affected people’s lives and wellbeing
14 Sep 2021
Shutdown in Zambia on election day: How it affected people’s lives and wellbeing
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами

3 Sep 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
3 Sep 2021
#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
Burkina Faso internet

As a contentious election nears, rights groups urge Zambia to #KeepItOn

20 Aug 2021

In spite of the #KeepItOn coalition’s call for open and accessible internet, authorities in Zambia blocked access to social media platforms throughout the nation’s August 12 election, including WhatsApp and Facebook.

Press Release
As a contentious election nears, rights groups urge Zambia to #KeepItOn
20 Aug 2021
As a contentious election nears, rights groups urge Zambia to #KeepItOn
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

WhatsApp, Twitter, and Facebook are reportedly blocked in Zambia during its presidential election

13 Aug 2021
WhatsApp, Twitter, and Facebook are reportedly blocked in Zambia during its presidential election
13 Aug 2021
WhatsApp, Twitter, and Facebook are reportedly blocked in Zambia during its presidential election
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch

1 Jun 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch
1 Jun 2021
#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch