Region: Yemen

Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity

#KeepItOn for peace and democracy in Sudan, Yemen, and Tajikistan
Hear from people in Sudan, Yemen, and Tajikistan impacted by authorities’ reckless internet shutdowns during conflict and crisis.

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: MENA in the dark
In 2021, Access Now documented at least 23 shutdowns in nine countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021.”

Internet shutdowns in Yemen: telecommunications infrastructure is not a military target
The #KeepItOn Coalition strongly condemns the recent targeting and destruction of telecommunication infrastructure in Yemen by Saudi- and UAE-led airstrikes.

أحلام محطّمة وفرص ضائعة – سنة قضّيناها في مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn)
أصدرت Access Now و ائتلاف #KeepItOn تقرير عن أخبار حجب الإنترنت يتضمن بيانات عن عام 2020 بأكمله

الإنترنت في اليمن: عمليات حجب ورقابة بعد انتقال الحرب على الإنترنت

#KeepItOn: As Yemen’s war goes online, internet shutdowns and censorship are hurting Yemenis

Yemen: Over 150 NGOs appeal for death sentences of four journalists to be overturned

At the United Nations, UPR surfaces threats to our digital ecosystem
In the current review cycle, we provide evidence on the human rights situation in Chile, New Zealand, Uruguay, Vietnam, and Yemen.