Region: Togo

2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2024 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2023 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

بيان صحفي حول تقرير مقاومة حجب الإنترنت (#KeepItOn) لسنة 2020:
أصدرت Access Now و ائتلاف #KeepItOn تقرير عن أخبار حجب الإنترنت يتضمن بيانات عن عام 2020 بأكمله

#KeepItOn report: internet shutdowns shatter dreams, endanger lives
Authorities in 29 countries shut down or interfered with the internet at least 155 times in 2020. Access Now’s new report, Shattered dreams and lost opportunities: a year in the fight to #KeepItOn, explores where, how, and why, the internet was deliberately switched off in 2020, and the long-lasting repercussions for communities across the globe.

Access Now tells the 9th Circuit Court: NSO Group cannot escape accountability in U.S. courts
Access Now and civil society partners join the WhatsApp v. NSO Group lawsuit by filing an amicus brief that discloses stories of those who survived the Pegasus spyware attack. The amici call for NSO to be held accountable for targeting civil society around the world.

From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out
Five human rights defenders who suffered from the NSO Group WhatsApp hack have stepped forward to tell their stories — sharing how their governments used NSO Group’s products to surveil them, and consequences they have faced as a result.

How internet shutdowns are threatening 2020 elections, and what you can do about it
Elections are increasingly becoming a trigger point for internet shutdowns, and governments have already flipped the kill switch during elections in 2020. The #KeepItOn coalition is mobilizing to keep people connected as they go to the polls in the coming weeks.

Litigators target national internet shutdowns

Nothing Sacred: Religious and Secular Voices for Reform in Togo Targeted with NSO Spyware

ECOWAS Togo court decision: Internet access is a right that requires protection of the law
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Community Court has issued a pivotal decision for the right of freedom of expression in Togo and other West African States.