Region: Russia-Ukraine

Digital dictatorship: authoritarian tactics and resistance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Dictators are using digital tools to repress and suppress democratic dissent, reinforcing digital authoritarianism. Our latest report looks at what’s happening in the EECA region, and how pro-democracy activists are fighting back against digital dictatorship.

Resisting the rise of digital dictatorship in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
“Digital dictatorship: authoritarian tactics and resistance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” unpacks the tools of oppression in the region, and explores resistance.

EU must keep people in and leaving Ukraine as safe, secure, connected as possible
Through an open letter, Access Now is calling on the EU to protect people in Ukraine, and those escaping the war to EU countries.

This Clever Anti-Censorship Tool Lets Russians Read Blocked News

A new media project is working to sneak blocked media into Russia and wants to become a hub for press freedom in totalitarian regimes

Facebook Tells Moderators to Allow Graphic Images of Russian Airstrikes but Censors Israeli Attacks

Mailchimp is still silencing activists in Russia
When Mailchimp left Russia, we warned the company not to cut off Russian civil society. Today, it’s still silencing pro-democracy and anti-war voices, ignoring human rights guidance.

Updates: Digital rights in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
See Access Now’s latest updates on the rapidly evolving Russia-Ukraine conflict.

How Russia’s Western Propagandists ARE UNDERMINING Justice for War Crime Victims

Telegram vs Russia: Access Now tells the European Court of Human Rights why encryption must be protected
In a joint submission to the ECtHR on the Telegram vs Russia case, Access Now explains why encryption must be protected.