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Region: Nigeria

#KeepItOn during elections

Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update

6 Jun 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, governments around the world are discovering new reasons to disrupt internet access during key national moments.

Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update
6 Jun 2023
Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update
#KeepItOn 2022 Report: Weapons of control, shields of impunity - internet shutdowns in 2022

Internet shutdowns in Africa: fewer offenders in 2022, still causing harm

28 Feb 2023

Access Now’s new report, “Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022,” unpacks internet shutdowns in Africa and globally.

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in Africa: fewer offenders in 2022, still causing harm
28 Feb 2023
Internet shutdowns in Africa: fewer offenders in 2022, still causing harm
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition's report unpacks internet shutdowns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and globally.

Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity

28 Feb 2023
Press Release
Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity
28 Feb 2023
Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity
#KeepItOn 2023 election watch|Tweet to authorities in Benin|Tweet to #KeepItOn in DRC|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Eswatini|Tweet to the government of Gabon|Tweet to authorities in Liberia|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Mali|Tweet to president Muhammadu Buhari|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Pakistan|Tweet to Authorities in Sierra Leone|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Somaliland|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Thailand|Tweet to the president of Togo|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Turkmenistan|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Zimbabwe

#KeepItOn in Nigeria: social media, internet must stay connected during elections

16 Feb 2023

Authorities in Nigeria must not shut down social media or in any way interfere with internet access throughout the upcoming elections.

Press Release
#KeepItOn in Nigeria: social media, internet must stay connected during elections
16 Feb 2023
#KeepItOn in Nigeria: social media, internet must stay connected during elections
#KeepItOn 2023 election watch|Tweet to authorities in Benin|Tweet to #KeepItOn in DRC|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Eswatini|Tweet to the government of Gabon|Tweet to authorities in Liberia|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Mali|Tweet to president Muhammadu Buhari|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Pakistan|Tweet to Authorities in Sierra Leone|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Somaliland|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Thailand|Tweet to the president of Togo|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Turkmenistan|Tweet to #KeepItOn in Zimbabwe

Open letter: the government of Nigeria must keep the internet and social media platforms open and secure during the 2023 general elections and beyond

16 Feb 2023

Through an open letter, the #KeepItOn coalition calls on authorities in Nigeria to keep the internet and social media platforms open during the elections.

Press Release
Open letter: the government of Nigeria must keep the internet and social media platforms open and secure during the 2023 general elections and beyond
16 Feb 2023
Open letter: the government of Nigeria must keep the internet and social media platforms open and secure during the 2023 general elections and beyond
#KeepItOn 2023 election watch

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch

9 Feb 2023

Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2023 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch
9 Feb 2023
2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Digital ID Systems

Digital identity: Our five calls to action for the World Bank

28 Sep 2022

For the second year in a row, the World Bank is leaving digital identity programs off the agenda for its annual summit. Here’s why we need urgent action to stop further human rights abuse, exclusion, marginalization, and surveillance.

Digital identity: Our five calls to action for the World Bank
28 Sep 2022
Digital identity: Our five calls to action for the World Bank
Shutdowns right to education

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education

21 Sep 2022

Governments cite administration of education as a rationale for internet shutdowns during exams. Here’s why shutdowns are never compatible with the right to education.

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
21 Sep 2022
Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
internet shutdown #KeepItOn

ECOWAS Court victory: Twitter ban in Nigeria declared unlawful

14 Jul 2022

In a huge win for human rights, Nigeria’s ECOWAS Court declared that government’s seven-month Twitter ban was unlawful.

Press Release
ECOWAS Court victory: Twitter ban in Nigeria declared unlawful
14 Jul 2022
ECOWAS Court victory: Twitter ban in Nigeria declared unlawful
Azerbaijan elections internet elections

Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa

28 Apr 2022

Last year, 12 countries cut internet access at least 19 times in Africa. Read “The return of digital authoritarianism: internet shutdowns in 2021”

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa
28 Apr 2022
Internet shutdowns in 2021 report: resistance in the face of blackouts in Africa