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Region: Morocco

Protest and human rights

Rights groups reiterate their call on Moroccan authorities to end the persecution of Taoufik Bouachrine, and other critical journalists

8 Mar 2023

Access Now calls on Moroccan authorities to end the persecution of Taoufik Bouachrine, journalists, and HRDs for exercising their right to freedom of expression.

Press Release
Rights groups reiterate their call on Moroccan authorities to end the persecution of Taoufik Bouachrine, and other critical journalists
8 Mar 2023
Rights groups reiterate their call on Moroccan authorities to end the persecution of Taoufik Bouachrine, and other critical journalists
Protest and human rights

جماعات حقوقية تجدد دعوتها للسلطات المغربية لوقف الاضطهاد الذي يتعرض له توفيق بوعشرين وغيره من الصحفيين الناقدين

8 Mar 2023

تجدد المجموعات الحقوقية دعوتها للسلطات المغربية وضع حد فوري لاضطهاد واحتجاز الصحفي توفيق بوعشرين وعشرات الصحفيين والمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان المعتقلين.

Press Release
جماعات حقوقية تجدد دعوتها للسلطات المغربية لوقف الاضطهاد الذي يتعرض له توفيق بوعشرين وغيره من الصحفيين الناقدين
8 Mar 2023
جماعات حقوقية تجدد دعوتها للسلطات المغربية لوقف الاضطهاد الذي يتعرض له توفيق بوعشرين وغيره من الصحفيين الناقدين
Protest and human rights

Des ONG réitèrent leur appel aux autorités marocaines pour qu’elles mettent fin à la persécution de Taoufik Bouachrine et d’autres journalistes critiques

8 Mar 2023

Access Now réitère l’appel aux autorités marocaines de mettre fin à la persécution de Taoufik Bouachrine, et des journalistes et défenseurs des droits humains.

Press Release
Des ONG réitèrent leur appel aux autorités marocaines pour qu’elles mettent fin à la persécution de Taoufik Bouachrine et d’autres journalistes critiques
8 Mar 2023
Des ONG réitèrent leur appel aux autorités marocaines pour qu’elles mettent fin à la persécution de Taoufik Bouachrine et d’autres journalistes critiques

Access Now tells the 9th Circuit Court: NSO Group cannot escape accountability in U.S. courts

23 Dec 2020

Access Now and civil society partners join the WhatsApp v. NSO Group lawsuit by filing an amicus brief that discloses stories of those who survived the Pegasus spyware attack. The amici call for NSO to be held accountable for targeting civil society around the world.

Press Release
Access Now tells the 9th Circuit Court: NSO Group cannot escape accountability in U.S. courts
23 Dec 2020
Access Now tells the 9th Circuit Court: NSO Group cannot escape accountability in U.S. courts
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From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out

18 Dec 2020

Five human rights defenders who suffered from the NSO Group WhatsApp hack have stepped forward to tell their stories — sharing how their governments used NSO Group’s products to surveil them, and consequences they have faced as a result.

From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out
18 Dec 2020
From India to Rwanda, the victims of NSO Group’s WhatsApp hacking speak out
Reconocimiento facial

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

16 Dec 2020

Buenos Aires, Brasilia, and Uruguay are pushing for use of facial recognition systems for “public security,” seeking to authorize the invasive and harmful use of mass surveillance tools. Civil society must fight back.

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official
16 Dec 2020
Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

Voices from MENA during Pride: sharing our stories, staying secure together

18 Jun 2020
Voices from MENA during Pride: sharing our stories, staying secure together
18 Jun 2020
Voices from MENA during Pride: sharing our stories, staying secure together

COVID-19 contact-tracing apps in MENA: a privacy nightmare

18 Jun 2020

At the outbreak of the COVID-19 global pandemic, a number of countries in the MENA region turned to technology to help track and prevent the spread of the virus, using apps, drones, and even robots to monitor the movement of citizens under quarantine.

COVID-19 contact-tracing apps in MENA: a privacy nightmare
18 Jun 2020
COVID-19 contact-tracing apps in MENA: a privacy nightmare

MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!

28 Apr 2020

Many internet users in the Middle East and North Africa region are disclosing other people’s personal data on social media. During COVID-19, violating privacy can risk lives.

MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!
28 Apr 2020
MENA: amid COVID-19 fear and chaos, don’t be a privacy offender!

فعاليّات مشاركة أكسس ناو في مدرسة حوكمة الإنترنت في المغرب

24 Jul 2019
فعاليّات مشاركة أكسس ناو في مدرسة حوكمة الإنترنت في المغرب
24 Jul 2019
فعاليّات مشاركة أكسس ناو في مدرسة حوكمة الإنترنت في المغرب