Region: Germany

How to get rid of targeted ads on TikTok (only in the EU)
If you are in the EU, here are the simple three steps to opt out from TikTok’s targeted ads.

German Facebook ruling boosts EU push for stricter content moderation

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Access Now at the 2019 Internet Governance Forum
Come find us at the Internet Governance Forum in Berlin Nov 25-29 to connect with the Digital Security Helpline and discuss a range of critical issues for human rights in the digital age.

Clash Over Surveillance Software Turns Personal in Germany

German prosecutors investigate spyware maker FinFisher

Saving our agnostic internet, part I: censorship and free expression
Governments globally are pushing companies to “do more” to address harmful speech online. Any approach must bolster, not undermine, human rights.

Telefonica opens up as transparency standards improve
The latest transparency reports and civil society work show the practice is growing up.

Encryption under heavy fire as Franco-German ministerial duo makes demands
Lawmakers have a responsibility to strengthen and protect the security of our communications and systems, not to purposefully weaken it. reports on government surveillance, is investigated for treason
Last week, the German Federal Public Prosecutor opened a criminal investigation against Markus Beckedahl, Andre Meister, and an unknown source for treason, following the disclosure of confidential government documents on the Netzpolitik blog, one of the most influential online platforms for digital freedom in Germany.