Region: ethiopia

#KeepItOn ግጭት፦ አማራ ክልል ውስጥ የኢንተርኔት መዘጋት በሰው ላይ የሚያሳድረው ጫና
ከአማራ ክልል ካሉ ሰዎች የተገኙ 11 ታሪኮች

#KeepItOn in conflict: the human impact of internet shutdowns in Amhara region, Ethiopia
This 11 stories from Ethiopian people tells the human impact of internet shutdowns in the Amhara region of Ethiopia in the past 100+ days.

Authorities in Ethiopia must restore internet access in Amhara

Preserving freedom in crisis: Ethiopia’s internet shutdowns must not become the norm
Authorities in Ethiopia must stop the trend of internet shutdowns and restore access to the internet in Amhara.

Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update
Since the beginning of 2023, governments around the world are discovering new reasons to disrupt internet access during key national moments.

Open letter to the Ethiopian Government: urgently end ongoing internet shutdowns in all regions across the country

Stop the shutdowns: Ethiopian government must respect human rights online
The Ethiopian government must reinstate full internet access across the country, and ensure its future safeguarding.

In Africa and the Middle East, internet shutdowns shroud human rights abuses
Access Now’s new joint report examines how authorities in Africa and the Middle East weaponize internet shutdowns to obscure human rights abuses.

Internet shutdowns in Africa: fewer offenders in 2022, still causing harm
Access Now’s new report, “Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022,” unpacks internet shutdowns in Africa and globally.