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Region: Burundi


How internet shutdowns are threatening 2020 elections, and what you can do about it

15 Oct 2020

Elections are increasingly becoming a trigger point for internet shutdowns, and governments have already flipped the kill switch during elections in 2020. The #KeepItOn coalition is mobilizing to keep people connected as they go to the polls in the coming weeks.

How internet shutdowns are threatening 2020 elections, and what you can do about it
15 Oct 2020
How internet shutdowns are threatening 2020 elections, and what you can do about it

#KeepItOn: Burundi fait taire la majorité de la population le jour du scrutin

20 May 2020

Alors que des millions de Burundais se rendent aux urnes pour élire leur prochain président aujourd’hui, le 20 mai 2020, le Gouvernement de Pierre Nkurunziza n’a pas hésité de bloquer accès aux réseaux sociaux, notamment Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp et Youtube.

#KeepItOn: Burundi fait taire la majorité de la population le jour du scrutin
20 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Burundi fait taire la majorité de la population le jour du scrutin

#KeepItOn: Burundi silences the majority on election day

20 May 2020

On election day, the Burundi government has rushed to block access to social media including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and YouTube.

#KeepItOn: Burundi silences the majority on election day
20 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Burundi silences the majority on election day

#KeepItOn: Les organisations de défense des droits humains exhortent le président burundais Nkurunziza à garantir un accès Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections de 2020

19 May 2020

Access Now, ainsi que 29 organizations internationales de défense des droits humains qui forment la coalition #KeepItOn, le lundi 18 mai 2020 ont envoyé une lettre conjointe au gouvernement du Burundi pour garantir un accès ouvert, sécurisé et stable à Internet et aux plateformes de réseaux sociaux à travers les élections présidentielles du pays prévues pour le 20 mai 2020.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Les organisations de défense des droits humains exhortent le président burundais Nkurunziza à garantir un accès Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections de 2020
19 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Les organisations de défense des droits humains exhortent le président burundais Nkurunziza à garantir un accès Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections de 2020

#KeepItOn: Human rights advocacy organizations appeal to President Nkurunziza of Burundi to ensure open and secure internet access throughout 2020 elections

19 May 2020

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition sent a joint letter to the government of Burundi to ensure open, secure and stable access to the internet and social media platforms throughout the country’s presidential elections scheduled for May 20, 2020.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Human rights advocacy organizations appeal to President Nkurunziza of Burundi to ensure open and secure internet access throughout 2020 elections
19 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Human rights advocacy organizations appeal to President Nkurunziza of Burundi to ensure open and secure internet access throughout 2020 elections

#KeepIton: Lettre Jointe pour garder l’internet libre et sécurisé pendant les élections présidentielles dans la République de Burundi

19 May 2020

Lettre Jointe pour garder l’internet libre et sécurisé pendant les élections présidentielles dans la République de Burundi.

Press Release
#KeepIton: Lettre Jointe pour garder l’internet libre et sécurisé pendant les élections présidentielles dans la République de Burundi
19 May 2020
#KeepIton: Lettre Jointe pour garder l’internet libre et sécurisé pendant les élections présidentielles dans la République de Burundi

#KeepItOn: Joint letter on keeping the internet open and secure during the presidential elections in Burundi

19 May 2020

#KeepItOn: Joint letter on keeping the internet open and secure during the presidential elections in Burundi

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Joint letter on keeping the internet open and secure during the presidential elections in Burundi
19 May 2020
#KeepItOn: Joint letter on keeping the internet open and secure during the presidential elections in Burundi

Access Now at the United Nations: spyware in UAE, surveillance in France, and shutdowns in Africa

14 Jul 2017

Read our submissions to the United Nations on digital rights in Israel, the UAE, France, Burundi, and Mali.

Access Now at the United Nations: spyware in UAE, surveillance in France, and shutdowns in Africa
14 Jul 2017
Access Now at the United Nations: spyware in UAE, surveillance in France, and shutdowns in Africa

It’s time to say no to internet shutdowns

8 May 2015

The internet has enabled significant advances in health, education, and creativity, and it is now essential to fully realize human rights. We wouldn’t allow a government to shut off water to an entire city. It’s time we say no to internet shutdowns.

It’s time to say no to internet shutdowns
8 May 2015
It’s time to say no to internet shutdowns

Internet kill switches are a violation of human rights law, declare major UN and rights experts

4 May 2015

Major UN and international rights experts have just declared that internet kill switches are absolutely impermissible under international human rights law, even in times of conflict. This historic statement holds that governments can no longer justify ordering telecommunications companies to shut off mobile or internet services in the face of social unrest or protest. It is a critical decision that impacts the rights of people who are protesting from Burundi to Baltimore.

Internet kill switches are a violation of human rights law, declare major UN and rights experts
4 May 2015
Internet kill switches are a violation of human rights law, declare major UN and rights experts