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Region: Benin

#KeepItOn during elections

Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update

6 Jun 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, governments around the world are discovering new reasons to disrupt internet access during key national moments.

Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update
6 Jun 2023
Who is shutting down the internet in 2023? A mid-year update
#KeepItOn 2023 election watch

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch

9 Feb 2023

Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2023 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch
9 Feb 2023
2023 elections and internet shutdowns watch
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами

3 Sep 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
3 Sep 2021
#KeepItOn 2021 Наблюдение за выборами
internet shutdowns elections

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch

1 Jun 2021

In 2021, at least a dozen countries with a history of internet shutdowns are headed to the polls for important elections, and people fighting for their democracies need the world’s solidarity and support.

#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch
1 Jun 2021
#KeepItOn: 2021 Elections Watch
KeepItOn Election shutdown handbook header image

Internet est un outil pour la démocratie, le Bénin et le Tchad doivent #KeepItOn pendant les élections

7 Apr 2021

Access Now et la coalition #KeepItOn appelle les autorités de s’assurer que l’internet est ouvert et accessible pendant les élections au Bénin et au Tchad. 

Press Release
Internet est un outil pour la démocratie, le Bénin et le Tchad doivent #KeepItOn pendant les élections
7 Apr 2021
Internet est un outil pour la démocratie, le Bénin et le Tchad doivent #KeepItOn pendant les élections
KeepItOn Election shutdown handbook header image

Internet is a tool for democracy, Benin and Chad must #KeepItOn during elections

7 Apr 2021

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on authorities to ensure the internet is open and accessible during the Benin and Chad elections.

Press Release
Internet is a tool for democracy, Benin and Chad must #KeepItOn during elections
7 Apr 2021
Internet is a tool for democracy, Benin and Chad must #KeepItOn during elections
KeepItOn Election shutdown handbook header image

#KeepIton: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of Benin

7 Apr 2021

Nations across Africa, and the world, are intentionally shutting down the internet when people need it the most — during elections and important national events. This election, we urge the Republic of Benin to #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepIton: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of Benin
7 Apr 2021
#KeepIton: Open letter to keep the internet open and secure during elections in the Republic of Benin
KeepItOn Election shutdown handbook header image

#KeepIton: Lettre ouverte pour garder l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections en République du Bénin

7 Apr 2021

Des nations à travers l’Afrique et dans le monde coupent intentionnellement internet lorsque les populations en ont le plus besoin – pendant les élections et les événements nationaux importants. Durant cette élection, nous exhortons la République du Bénin à #KeepItOn.

Press Release
#KeepIton: Lettre ouverte pour garder l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections en République du Bénin
7 Apr 2021
#KeepIton: Lettre ouverte pour garder l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé pendant les élections en République du Bénin
Senegal Internet Shutdowns

Targeted, cut off, and left in the dark: how internet shutdowns became an even greater threat to human rights in 2019

24 Feb 2020

Our new report highlights internet shutdown trends that emerged in 2019, explores the #KeepItOn coalition’s ongoing efforts to fight shutdowns, and examines some of the challenges we foresee for 2020.

Targeted, cut off, and left in the dark: how internet shutdowns became an even greater threat to human rights in 2019
24 Feb 2020
Targeted, cut off, and left in the dark: how internet shutdowns became an even greater threat to human rights in 2019

Lettre ouverte sur le maintien de l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé au Bénin

28 Apr 2019

Bénin: au nom de plus de 190 organisations de plus de 60 pays qui composent la coalition #KeepitOn, et des autres organisations signataires, nous vous demandons de ne pas bloquer Internet.

Lettre ouverte sur le maintien de l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé au Bénin
28 Apr 2019
Lettre ouverte sur le maintien de l’Internet ouvert et sécurisé au Bénin