Region: Belarus

2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2024 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

Fake Domain Attacks
Civil society organizations and independent media are the targets of a variety of sophisticated security attacks known as “fake domains”.

Digital dictatorship: authoritarian tactics and resistance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Dictators are using digital tools to repress and suppress democratic dissent, reinforcing digital authoritarianism. Our latest report looks at what’s happening in the EECA region, and how pro-democracy activists are fighting back against digital dictatorship.

Resisting the rise of digital dictatorship in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
“Digital dictatorship: authoritarian tactics and resistance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia” unpacks the tools of oppression in the region, and explores resistance.

#KeepItOn: 2022 elections and internet shutdowns watch
Elections and internet shutdowns are a disaster for democracy. See which countries the #KeepItOn coalition is watching in 2022.

U.S.-Canadian firm Sandvine fosters Russian censorship infrastructure
Sandvine has been providing Russia with DPI tech that enables surveillance and censorship. We call on Sandvine to withdraw its technology from Russia, and urge the U.S. to launch an investigation and pursue robust regulations for abusive technology.

Letter to U.K. government: Do not disrupt internet access in Russia or Belarus
Access Now and a coalition of human rights organizations are calling on the U.K. government to ensure sanctions do not disrupt internet access in Russia or Belarus.

Coalition to Boris Johnson: don’t boot Russians offline via sanctions
Access Now and a coalition of civil society organizations urge the U.K. government to not disrupt internet access in Russia or Belarus.

U.S. moves to keep the Russian people connected despite sanctions
In response to a coalition letter led by Access Now and the Wikimedia Foundation, the U.S. Treasury Department decided to exempt internet communications services from U.S. sanctions in Russia.

Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices
Despots like Putin and Lukashenko rule by isolating and lying to their people. Here are four strategies to fight disinformation and protect anti-war voices in Russia and Belarus.