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Region: Bangladesh

KeepItOn 2024 Elections and Internet Shutdowns Watch

2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch

5 Feb 2024

Governments around the world continue to shut down the internet during elections. Join our 2024 elections watch to #KeepItOn.

2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch
5 Feb 2024
2024 elections and internet shutdowns watch
#KeepItOn during elections

#KeepItOn in Bangladesh: ensure open, free internet before, during, and after elections 

4 Jan 2024

Authorities in Bangladesh must guarantee unfettered access to the internet and all other digital communication channels through all phases of the election cycle. 

Press Release
#KeepItOn in Bangladesh: ensure open, free internet before, during, and after elections 
4 Jan 2024
#KeepItOn in Bangladesh: ensure open, free internet before, during, and after elections 
#KeepItOn during elections

#KeepItOn: Bangladeshi authorities must protect open and secure internet throughout the 2024 elections 

4 Jan 2024

Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition are calling on Bangladeshi authorities in Banglades to ensure people across the country have full access to the internet, social media platforms, and communication channels before, during, and after upcoming parliamentary elections.

Press Release
#KeepItOn: Bangladeshi authorities must protect open and secure internet throughout the 2024 elections 
4 Jan 2024
#KeepItOn: Bangladeshi authorities must protect open and secure internet throughout the 2024 elections 
Bangladesh flag

How to stay safe online during the 2024 Bangladesh election

2 Jan 2024

The 2024 Bangladesh election takes place on 7 January. Against a backdrop of myriad threats to digital freedoms and human rights online, we’re created a guide to help journalists, activists, and voters stay safe during the election period.

How to stay safe online during the 2024 Bangladesh election
2 Jan 2024
How to stay safe online during the 2024 Bangladesh election
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition's report unpacks internet shutdowns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and globally.

حجب الإنترنت في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في سنة 2022: تواصل للانتهاكات والإفلات من العقاب

29 Mar 2023

قامت 11 دولة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا بفرض عمليات حجب للإنترنت في 37 مناسبة، حيث تصدّرت إيران هذه القائمة من خلال قطعها للإنترنت 18 مرة.

Press Release
حجب الإنترنت في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في سنة 2022: تواصل للانتهاكات والإفلات من العقاب
29 Mar 2023
حجب الإنترنت في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا في سنة 2022: تواصل للانتهاكات والإفلات من العقاب
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition's report unpacks internet shutdowns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and globally.

Internet shutdowns in MENA in 2022: continued abuses and impunity

29 Mar 2023

In 2022, authorities across the Middle East and North Africa shutdown the internet 37 times — with Iran hitting the kill switch a staggering 18 times.

Press Release
Internet shutdowns in MENA in 2022: continued abuses and impunity
29 Mar 2023
Internet shutdowns in MENA in 2022: continued abuses and impunity
#KeepItOn 2022 Report: Weapons of control, shields of impunity - internet shutdowns in 2022

Five years in a row: India is 2022’s biggest internet shutdowns offender

28 Feb 2023

In 2022, India shut down the internet at least 84 times — more than any country, for the fifth consecutive year. Read “Weapons of control, shields of impunity: Internet shutdowns in 2022.”

Press Release
Five years in a row: India is 2022’s biggest internet shutdowns offender
28 Feb 2023
Five years in a row: India is 2022’s biggest internet shutdowns offender
Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition's report unpacks internet shutdowns in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and globally.

Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity

28 Feb 2023
Press Release
Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity
28 Feb 2023
Resurging internet shutdowns in 2022: weapons of control, shields of impunity
Shutdowns right to education

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education

21 Sep 2022

Governments cite administration of education as a rationale for internet shutdowns during exams. Here’s why shutdowns are never compatible with the right to education.

Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
21 Sep 2022
Courts must #KeepItOn to protect the right to education
India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Bill passed: “it’s a bad law”

Access Now’s submission on Bangladesh’s Draft Data Protection Act

21 Sep 2022
Access Now’s submission on Bangladesh’s Draft Data Protection Act
21 Sep 2022
Access Now’s submission on Bangladesh’s Draft Data Protection Act