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Verónica Arroyo

Latin America Policy Analyst

Verónica is a Policy Analyst for Latin America and the Digital ID Policy Lead at Access Now. Her main aim is to increase awareness on privacy, digital security, the right to be free from discrimination. She previously worked at Access Now as a Policy Intern. She is a member of Women in Identity Group and of the Trustworthy Digital Identity Interest Group - The Alan Turing Institute. Verónica is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and has a diploma on Internet Governance by the Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina. Before joining Access Now, Verónica was a Legal Assistant in a Peruvian law firm and a teacher assistant in Human Rights, Antitrust and Media Law. As a hobby, she studies languages, to date she is fluent in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Tip to break the ice: Ask her about MUN.

Content Creation & Audience Development Contractor (Latin America)

4 May 2021

As Content Creation and Audience Development contractor, you will help ensure our new regional channels in Spanish are relevant, up-to-date, and engaging.

Content Creation & Audience Development Contractor (Latin America)
4 May 2021
Content Creation & Audience Development Contractor (Latin America)
Digital ID Systems

Civil society speaks out on Jamaica’s dubious new digital ID bill

16 Mar 2021

Access Now and a coalition of 12 local and international organizations are calling on authorities in Jamaica to ensure human rights are at the center of a controversial new digital ID bill.

Press Release
Civil society speaks out on Jamaica’s dubious new digital ID bill
16 Mar 2021
Civil society speaks out on Jamaica’s dubious new digital ID bill
Kazakhstan internet

Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn

3 Mar 2021
Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn
3 Mar 2021
Informe: Sueños rotos y oportunidades perdidas: un año en la lucha por #KeepItOn

Costa Rica: proponen una moderna ley de datos personales

29 Jan 2021
Press Release
Costa Rica: proponen una moderna ley de datos personales
29 Jan 2021
Costa Rica: proponen una moderna ley de datos personales

El estado actual de la protección de los datos biométricos en Costa Rica

25 Jan 2021

El 2020 inició con el escándalo de la Unidad Presidencial de Análisis de Datos que incluía  datos “confidenciales”/ ”sensibles” y terminó con la instalación de 195 cámaras de reconocimiento facial en Alajuela y un proyecto de ley que autoriza la comercialización de datos biométricos ¿Qué está pasando en Costa Rica? ¿Qué podemos esperar para este 2021?

El estado actual de la protección de los datos biométricos en Costa Rica
25 Jan 2021
El estado actual de la protección de los datos biométricos en Costa Rica
Reconocimiento facial

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

16 Dec 2020

Buenos Aires, Brasilia, and Uruguay are pushing for use of facial recognition systems for “public security,” seeking to authorize the invasive and harmful use of mass surveillance tools. Civil society must fight back.

Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official
16 Dec 2020
Instead of banning facial recognition, some governments in Latin America want to make it official

Brazil: Joint letter on the nomination of members of the Armed Forces as directors of the Data Protection Authority

10 Nov 2020

This nomination has serious implications, not only for how Brazil’s data protection law will be implemented, but also for any adequacy determination, the advancement of global data protection standards, and the guarantee of independence of the data protection authority. 

Press Release
Brazil: Joint letter on the nomination of members of the Armed Forces as directors of the Data Protection Authority
10 Nov 2020
Brazil: Joint letter on the nomination of members of the Armed Forces as directors of the Data Protection Authority

#NosVenLaCara: La Municipalidad de La Victoria en Lima tiene que proteger nuestros datos biométricos

16 Oct 2020
Press Release
#NosVenLaCara: La Municipalidad de La Victoria en Lima tiene que proteger nuestros datos biométricos
16 Oct 2020
#NosVenLaCara: La Municipalidad de La Victoria en Lima tiene que proteger nuestros datos biométricos
|Reconocimiento facial

Facial recognition on trial: emotion and gender “detection” under scrutiny in a court case in Brazil

29 Jun 2020

As AI-powered facial recognition systems are deployed around the world, it is imperative to ensure they do not facilitate human rights violations, especially of people and communities already at risk.

Facial recognition on trial: emotion and gender “detection” under scrutiny in a court case in Brazil
29 Jun 2020
Facial recognition on trial: emotion and gender “detection” under scrutiny in a court case in Brazil

Coalition letter: Brazilian disinformation bill threatens freedom of expression and privacy online

24 Jun 2020

Lawmakers in Brazil are advancing a dangerous misinformation bill that is scheduled for a vote on 25 June. Our coalition is calling on legislators to reject the bill.

Press Release
Coalition letter: Brazilian disinformation bill threatens freedom of expression and privacy online
24 Jun 2020
Coalition letter: Brazilian disinformation bill threatens freedom of expression and privacy online