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Verónica Arroyo

Latin America Policy Analyst

Verónica is a Policy Analyst for Latin America and the Digital ID Policy Lead at Access Now. Her main aim is to increase awareness on privacy, digital security, the right to be free from discrimination. She previously worked at Access Now as a Policy Intern. She is a member of Women in Identity Group and of the Trustworthy Digital Identity Interest Group - The Alan Turing Institute. Verónica is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and has a diploma on Internet Governance by the Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina. Before joining Access Now, Verónica was a Legal Assistant in a Peruvian law firm and a teacher assistant in Human Rights, Antitrust and Media Law. As a hobby, she studies languages, to date she is fluent in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Tip to break the ice: Ask her about MUN.
Digital ID Systems

The Jamaica NIDS digital identification program: a cautionary tale​​

3 Aug 2022

Lawmakers pushed through the Jamaica NIDS digital ID program without taking enough time to listen to civil society concerns. Here’s what other countries can learn from the flawed process.

The Jamaica NIDS digital identification program: a cautionary tale​​
3 Aug 2022
The Jamaica NIDS digital identification program: a cautionary tale​​
Reconocimiento facial

Buenos Aires y São Paulo suspenden el reconocimiento facial, ¿qué espera el resto de América Latina?

20 Apr 2022
Buenos Aires y São Paulo suspenden el reconocimiento facial, ¿qué espera el resto de América Latina?
20 Apr 2022
Buenos Aires y São Paulo suspenden el reconocimiento facial, ¿qué espera el resto de América Latina?
mitos big ID human rights

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond

15 Oct 2021

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund met this week. They didn’t discuss digital identity programs, even though the World Bank itself funds “Big ID” systems.

We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
15 Oct 2021
We need to talk about digital ID: why the World Bank must recognize the harm in Afghanistan and beyond
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Tecnologia de Vigilância na América Latina: Feita no Exterior, Implantada em Casa

9 Aug 2021
Tecnologia de Vigilância na América Latina: Feita no Exterior, Implantada em Casa
9 Aug 2021
Tecnologia de Vigilância na América Latina: Feita no Exterior, Implantada em Casa
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Tecnología de vigilancia en América Latina: hecha en el exterior, utilizada en casa

9 Aug 2021
Tecnología de vigilancia en América Latina: hecha en el exterior, utilizada en casa
9 Aug 2021
Tecnología de vigilancia en América Latina: hecha en el exterior, utilizada en casa
Nuevo análisis: Empresas que distribuyen tecnologías de vigilancia en LATAM no ofrecen transparencia en cuanto a su impacto en los derechos humanos

Surveillance Tech in Latin America: Made Abroad, Deployed at Home

9 Aug 2021
Surveillance Tech in Latin America: Made Abroad, Deployed at Home
9 Aug 2021
Surveillance Tech in Latin America: Made Abroad, Deployed at Home
Tunisia biometric passports

Jamaica’s NIDS bill: human rights recommendations dismissed, still time to rectify

30 Jul 2021
Press Release
Jamaica’s NIDS bill: human rights recommendations dismissed, still time to rectify
30 Jul 2021
Jamaica’s NIDS bill: human rights recommendations dismissed, still time to rectify

Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights

2 Jun 2021

As the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout gains momentum, governments are clamoring to implement measures to help the world return to pre-virus normality. This includes exploring digital vaccine certificates — or COVID-19 vaccine “passports”. Current proposals, however, threaten human rights.

Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights
2 Jun 2021
Protocol for exclusion: why COVID-19 vaccine “passports” threaten human rights
Myanmar CCTV camera

Victoria de privacidad para 350.000 personas en São Paulo: tribunal bloquea cámaras de reconocimiento facial en el metro

12 May 2021
Press Release
Victoria de privacidad para 350.000 personas en São Paulo: tribunal bloquea cámaras de reconocimiento facial en el metro
12 May 2021
Victoria de privacidad para 350.000 personas en São Paulo: tribunal bloquea cámaras de reconocimiento facial en el metro
Myanmar CCTV camera

Privacy win for 350,000 people in São Paulo: court blocks facial recognition cameras in metro

12 May 2021
Press Release
Privacy win for 350,000 people in São Paulo: court blocks facial recognition cameras in metro
12 May 2021
Privacy win for 350,000 people in São Paulo: court blocks facial recognition cameras in metro