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Ria Sawhney

Policy Fellow, Asia Pacific

Ria Singh Sawhney was Access Now's Asia Pacific Policy Fellow. Ria is a public interest lawyer, based out of New Delhi, and her work focuses on digital rights, and economic and social rights. She works at the law chambers of a senior advocate, and also volunteers with the Rethink Aadhaar campaign, against the expansion of the Aadhaar programme in India. She has degrees in philosophy and law from the University of Delhi, and an LLM from Columbia Law School, where she was a Human Rights Fellow, and graduated as a Harlan Fiske Stone scholar. She has a small and very noisy dog.
mitos big ID human rights

Desterrando mitos sobre el Big ID

5 Oct 2021
Desterrando mitos sobre el Big ID
5 Oct 2021
Desterrando mitos sobre el Big ID
mitos big ID human rights

Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India

5 Oct 2021
Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India
5 Oct 2021
Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India
mitos big ID human rights

Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights

5 Oct 2021

Big ID programs — frequently involving biometric data collection — are being rolled out across the globe, and endangering human rights. Read Access Now’s new report.

Press Release
Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights
5 Oct 2021
Big ID, bad idea: busting ID myths that are endangering human rights
mitos big ID human rights

India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea

5 Oct 2021

Despite all the propaganda in favour of it, Aadhaar, India’s Big ID program, has had a disastrous impact on the lives of millions. Read Access Now’s new report.

Press Release
India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
5 Oct 2021
India’s Aadhaar proves Big ID is still a bad idea
mitos big ID human rights

Busting Big ID’s myths

5 Oct 2021

Big ID programs threaten our human rights yet are spreading like wildfire around the world. To buck the trend, we need to debunk the myths that propel digital ID systems forward.

Busting Big ID’s myths
5 Oct 2021
Busting Big ID’s myths
U.S. Congressional briefing

Indian Government defence of Information Technology Rules places privacy and digital security at risk

26 May 2021
Indian Government defence of Information Technology Rules places privacy and digital security at risk
26 May 2021
Indian Government defence of Information Technology Rules places privacy and digital security at risk
India fake news

As Indian police raid Twitter’s office, alarming new internet rules take effect

25 May 2021

The threat to free expression on social media in India is continuing to grow.

Press Release
As Indian police raid Twitter’s office, alarming new internet rules take effect
25 May 2021
As Indian police raid Twitter’s office, alarming new internet rules take effect
NSO Group human rights

In India, malware plants false “evidence” of crime on activist’s laptop

19 May 2021

Technical analysis submitted in a court case against activists in India reveals a malware attack to plant key evidence used against the accused. Notably, several activists subject to persecution as well as those connected with the defendants had already been targeted for malware attacks using NSO Group technology.

In India, malware plants false “evidence” of crime on activist’s laptop
19 May 2021
In India, malware plants false “evidence” of crime on activist’s laptop