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Will the PRISM scandal lead to concrete privacy reform?
21 Aug 2013
Over the last few weeks, nearly every day has brought with it a new disclosure in the NSA surveillance scandal: a new target uncovered or a new foreign government intelligence agency found to be complicit. Yet, with limited public outcry in the United States, one can’t help but wonder if — and why — citizens of other Western democracies may be more offended over this spying than Americans themselves. But Despite the differences in public expectations, will these disclosures, and ensuing outcry, lead to concrete (and much needed) reforms on privacy? (English translation of article published in German in Frankfurter Allgemeine on August 10, 2013).
Will the PRISM scandal lead to concrete privacy reform?
21 Aug 2013

FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR
12 Jun 2013
Access has received new information about the unprecedented level of US lobbying against the EU Data Protection Regulation in response to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests filed on both sides of the Atlantic.
FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR
12 Jun 2013

FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR
12 Jun 2013
Access has received new information about the unprecedented level of US lobbying against the EU Data Protection Regulation in response to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests filed on both sides of the Atlantic.
FOIA documents reveal intensity of US lobbying against the DPR
12 Jun 2013
Latin American Civil Liberties groups urge MEPs to protect privacy
28 May 2013
Today, civil liberties groups from across Latin America sent a letter to the European Parliament, urging the lead Committee working on the Data Protection Regulation to protect the privacy of citzens in the EU and around the world.
Latin American Civil Liberties groups urge MEPs to protect privacy
28 May 2013
With Google Glass, everyone can be Little Brother
3 Apr 2013
It’s not just a style thing: you may have good reason to avoid the geek at the bar or in the park wearing Google’s latest invention, the wearable interface known as Glass. Despite its innocuous intent, the life-logging feature ‘Life Bits’ logs everyone who comes into direct contact with the Glass wearer, transforming them into a mobile recording device.
With Google Glass, everyone can be Little Brother
3 Apr 2013
Keeping IP out of TAFTA
18 Mar 2013
On the heels of the announcement of the newly kicked off EU-US Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA), also known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Access joined a group of roughly 35 internet freedom organizations, public health groups, activists, and other public interest leaders to urge both the US and the EU to keep copyright, patents, trademarks and geographical indications — so-called “intellectual property” — out of the negotiations.
Keeping IP out of TAFTA
18 Mar 2013
European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy
27 Feb 2013
The Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) Committee of the European Parliament recently voted through its Opinion on the Data Protection Regulation, sending a clear message to European citizens that a majority of the Committee believes the interests of large corporations should trump the protection of their fundamental right to privacy.
European Parliament committee approves opinion hostile to user privacy
27 Feb 2013
Happy Data Privacy Day!
28 Jan 2013
Today is Data Privacy Day, an international holiday that marks the 32nd anniversary of the signing of the Council of Europe’s Data Protection Convention 108. Data Privacy Day, which is celebrated all over Europe, Canada, and the US, recognises our fundamental right under human rights law and the importance of privacy to the maintenance of democratic societies, the advancement of human dignity, and the flourishing of other rights such as freedom of expression and association.
Happy Data Privacy Day!
28 Jan 2013