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EU Court repeals law mandating indiscriminate surveillance
8 Apr 2014
Today’s historic decision reopened the debate on the necessity and proportionality of communications data retention in the EU and around the world.
EU Court repeals law mandating indiscriminate surveillance
8 Apr 2014
Privatised Enforcement: A threat to our civil liberties online
27 Mar 2014
How do we ensure the protection of civil liberties online? This is a question almost as old as the internet itself, particularly as rapid advances in technology have left society with legal frameworks that are at times outdated and inappropriate for managing the challenges facing digital rights today.
Privatised Enforcement: A threat to our civil liberties online
27 Mar 2014
Companies adopt better security hygiene in wake of mass surveillance disclosures
26 Mar 2014
In the aftermath of 2013’s disclosures on government mass surveillance, there’s a simple “low-hanging fruit” protecting users. The majority of internet traffic — our emails, searches, chats, website visits, and more — remain unencrypted and vulnerable to prying eyes.
Companies adopt better security hygiene in wake of mass surveillance disclosures
26 Mar 2014
Fourth vote on the telecom single market: a strong call for net neutrality in Europe
13 Feb 2014
Access welcomes yesterday’s vote in the LIBE Committee, which addressed several of the problematic provisions and proved its commitment to protecting the internet as a platform for free expression and innovation.
Fourth vote on the telecom single market: a strong call for net neutrality in Europe
13 Feb 2014
EP’s report on NSA and GCHQ mass-surveillance activities, “Privacy is not a luxury right”
13 Feb 2014
Yesterday, the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) presented its final report on the activities of the American and British spy agencies surveillance programmes and their impact on E.U. citizens’ fundamental rights.
EP’s report on NSA and GCHQ mass-surveillance activities, “Privacy is not a luxury right”
13 Feb 2014
International Data Privacy Day: We remind the European Council of our rights
28 Jan 2014
Today we celebrated the 33rd International Data Privacy Day by reminding members of the Council of the E.U. representatives of their obligation to protect the rights of European citizens. We sent a letter, signed by several European and International NGOs, outlining the importance of the rights to privacy and data protection and urging them to reach a conclusion on the General Data Protection Regulation without any further delay.
International Data Privacy Day: We remind the European Council of our rights
28 Jan 2014
Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights
10 Dec 2013
On the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the celebration of UN Human Rights day, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect upon the importance of privacy and data protection as key pillars of healthy societies.
Human Rights Day: EU’s Data Protection Reform: restoring trust by reinforcing user rights
10 Dec 2013
European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation: major losses obscure other gains
21 Oct 2013
European Parliament vote on Privacy Regulation: major losses obscure other gains
21 Oct 2013
Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality
17 Sep 2013
Last Thursday, after two years of delay, the European Commission published a proposal for the Regulation of the Telecom Single Market that promises Net Neutrality but delivers just the opposite.
Commission proposal fails to deliver promise of Net Neutrality
17 Sep 2013
Leaked document reveals Commission’s concerns with Telco Regulation, publication delayed
10 Sep 2013
While European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda Neelie Kroes was expected to publish the official proposal for a Regulation of the Telecom Single Market today, the announcement has been pushed back to allow for changes following significant concerns raised by other Commissioners on this hotly-debated legislation.
Leaked document reveals Commission’s concerns with Telco Regulation, publication delayed
10 Sep 2013